187 Search Results for Censorship in the U S Media

Speech Book Censorship Research Paper

Book CensorshipIntroductionThe censorship of information is one of the most pressing issues in libraries today (Steele, p.1). Censorship basically refers to efforts undertaken by governing authorities or their representatives to change/limit access t Continue Reading...

Rudolfo A. Anaya's Book, Bless Term Paper

Important in attempts to ban Bless Me, Ultima, are arguments that the book promotes witchcraft and worship of the devil. The book focuses on Ultima, a curandera, who works with herbs and can heal the sick and exorcise evil. However, it is clear thr Continue Reading...

Terrorist Organizations Term Paper

Terrorist Organizations and the Media Subsequent to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the world did change. Prior to the attacks, the term 'terrorism' was not as frequently used by the media world over, the way w Continue Reading...

Internet-Access-and-Schools Essay

Censorship, the Internet, and Schools Describe two implications for schools from the CIPA policy rulings, and two reasons for opposition to the policy The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was legislated in the year 2000, obliging public sc Continue Reading...

Winston Smith, the Protagonist in Essay

Likewise, the Nazis also employed state agents and encouraged citizens to inform on one another to the authorities for speaking out against the Nazi regime. Obviously, the author wrote the work as a caution about the intrusion of the state into the Continue Reading...

Nigeria A Survey of the Research Paper

Yet, Kay Weller speaks of geography as "concerned with spatial differentiation," which is to say that anyone who is going to understand the problem from a geographical perspective must look at Nigeria's human geography -- in other words, Nigeria's Continue Reading...

Status of a Newspaper. The Term Paper

This is also reflected in the view that there is a lot of difference between a high school senior and a college freshman. Regarding the world of student journalism, the U.S. Court of Appeals has also agreed with this view. This is reflected in the c Continue Reading...

Why Facebook is Banned in China Essay

Facebook is still banned in China, which took initiatives in 2009 to quell any sort of protest or governmental opposition sparked by social media sites like Facebook. Facebook is not the only Western site to be banned in China. Moreover, it has essen Continue Reading...

Federal Court Essay

Snyder v. Phelps The First Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, and prohibits the making of any law " impeding the free exercise of religion," infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the righ Continue Reading...

World War II and Print Term Paper

Source: German Propaganda Archive, Calvin University This poster translates: "Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory! "(German Propaganda Archive). Typical themes in German Propaganda posters were anti-Semitism, a call to the labor fo Continue Reading...

Stop Online Piracy Act Essay

SOPA Objective argument: The Stop Online Piracy Act The Internet has been called the new Wild West: there is a great deal of profit that can be made, in terms of availability of information, but there are also many hazards, due to the lack of regul Continue Reading...

America Wealth and Power Are Essay

Unfortunately many aspects of modern American society threaten individual liberties. For example, the disparity between the rich and the poor in American society impacts the level of freedom enjoyed by certain segments of the population. The "freedo Continue Reading...

Innovation in History -- Impact Thesis

With YouTube, though, users can watch movies, TV programs, documentaries, sports events, home movies made in the far-flung regions of the world at any time they wish. In addition, users can join and converse with communities of people who are intere Continue Reading...

Election of 1992 Term Paper

presidential election of 1992 was a tight race, compared to others in history. The struggle between the Clinton camp, which focused on a platform involving the economy, the Bush camp, who focused on a platform whose basis was trust and taxes, and th Continue Reading...

Global Marketing and Management Book Report

Global Marketing Strategies and Management Techniques of Apple Inc. The central objective of this report is to perform an environmental analysis of a country in which our selected company shall aim to establish a market for its products and services Continue Reading...

Economic Systems Are Quite Complex Essay

Plus, if the world is tied together economically, there is more impetus to prevent hyper-inflation, to help other countries in times of natural disaster, and to form a more humanitarian-based society. It seems that the idea of globalism was also ass Continue Reading...