657 Search Results for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Analysis

Family-Therapy-and-Family Case Study

Dana shows signs of having bulimia. She binges and then purges to rid herself of the extra food consumed. The person involved is Dana and her triggers are comments and conversation made by her mother and her sister, Joanie. The modality of family th Continue Reading...

Family-Therapy-and-Family Case Study

Dana is a young and beautiful woman with family members that seem to constantly put her down whenever they get together. They appear to be self-centered and attention seeking. The mother has set expectations she places on her family and seems angry w Continue Reading...

Psychological Case Study Using IPT Essay

Dawn's presenting problems, such as a sleep-related disorder and anxiety symptoms, it is possible that she may be diagnosed with a mild depression, or to use the DSM-V code, F32.0 Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild. Measured on the H Continue Reading...

Personal Theory of Therapy Research Paper

personal theories about change and therapy as part of developing a personal therapeutic approach and process. The exploration begins with examining personal beliefs regarding health, normalcy, and change. The author also includes a discussion about Continue Reading...

Client Psychology Analysis Case Study Essay

Description of the Client Client is an African-American male in his late teens, currently enlisted in the United States Navy. When he first arrives to therapy, the client presents himself cleanly in uniform, but he refuses to talk. The client has bee Continue Reading...

Beck and Cognitive Therapy Research Paper

cognitive therapy is a widely accepted, empirically validated treatment for a number of conditions, including most especially depression. The theorist who responsible for developing cognitive therapy is Aaron T. Beck, a nonagenarian who is currently Continue Reading...


Multicultural Theories of Psychology Multicultural Theories of Psychotherapy Diagnosis, treatment and care of patient and their conditions are greatly influenced by cultural considerations. These actors determine beliefs and values related to healt Continue Reading...

A Hypothetical Therapy Plan Essay

Hypothetical Counseling Plan Substance Use Disorder Counseling Maria is married and has an addiction to alcohol that is damaging their family's chances at reuniting with their daughters, as well as many marital problems in general. It seems as if s Continue Reading...

Shore Case Study Case Study

Categories and Phases of Loss and Grief for Nancy Diagnostic Statement for Nancy Nancy is obese and reports feeling anxious and depressed. Nancy has gained 15 pounds does not sleep well, has low concentration ability and is forgetful. Nancy has a s Continue Reading...

A Case Study on Rosa Lee Case Study

Rosa Lee Cunningham. Elements such as the subject's health history, legal history, psychosocial history, and diagnostic impressions will be covered. Rosa Lee Cunningham DOB/Age: October 7, 1936 Date of Interview: October 7, 1994 Evaluator: Reas Continue Reading...

Art Therapy and PTSD Art Research Proposal

Children need special attention when dealing with traumas they might not fully understand. Thus art therapy has been proven to benefit the increasing number of children dealing with PTSD and other trauma related disorders creating fear and anxiety w Continue Reading...

Sex Therapy Term Paper

Sex Therapy The efforts in the form of behavior modification with a view to solve the problems in sexual interactions are known as sex therapy. Sex problems most common in the present environment affect the couples in their sex lives and adversely r Continue Reading...