79 Search Results for Consequentialist and Deontological Ethical Issues

Euthanasia is One of Those Research Paper

The philosophy for example recognizes that more than one person is involved in the euthanasia process. The person in most physical distress is the one afflicted with illness and requiring euthanasia as a solution. What deontology does not recognize Continue Reading...

Ethics in the Workplace Essay

Ethics in the Workplace Organizational ethics is an area that is gaining increased importance in formal professional education. Ethics are moral rules that guide the behavior and conduct of an individual. Since ethics are shaped by personal factors Continue Reading...

Corporate Scandals The Enron Scandal Thesis

Ethically, the actions of Enron management were reprehensible. From a deontological perspective, they broke laws. From a consequentialist perspective, their actions resulted in significant financial losses for millions of people, job losses for thou Continue Reading...

C Suite Executive Leadership Ethics Essay

Beliefs, Practices, Challenges Persons in positions of leadership inevitably encounter major ethical dilemmas and in fact make ethical decisions on a daily basis. Interviews with senior executives can reveal the complexities of ethical decision makin Continue Reading...

Wrong for the Applicants to Take an Essay

wrong for the applicants to take an unauthorized peek at their application files. The intent of the school was clearly to have those files closed, so the viewing of those files was a breach of the school's intentions. There is an implicit duty on th Continue Reading...

Patricia Dunn Should Not Have Essay

Employees, competitors and the board are other important stakeholders who must be taken into consideration as well. There are a number of outcomes that must be noted for this evaluation. To the shareholders, the outcome of Dunn's actions was overwh Continue Reading...

Euthanasia EUTHENASIA The Topic of Essay

There are many other related reasons for arguing against euthanasia and its acceptance or legalization. One is that it contradicts the medical code of ethics and the Hippocratic Oath, which, "…expressly forbids the giving of deadly medicine t Continue Reading...

Science and Morality After the Essay

That is not to say that theory and application cannot be separated into ethical categories. They can be, but those categorizations are always going to be somewhat skewed by the researcher, because no human being is capable of perfect neutrality. To Continue Reading...

Fair Trade Term Paper

moral problem of fair trade. There exists a dilemma here, with respect to the role of corporate actors within our society -- do they serve to increase profits only, or are they bound by a different morality? The role of business in society has to be Continue Reading...

Ethics in Decision-Making Research Paper

Ethics in Decision-Making Clegg, Stewart Martin Kornberger & Carl Rhodes. (2007). Organizational ethics, decision making, undecidability, ethical decision-making. The Sociological Review, 55:2. According to Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger and Continue Reading...

Personal Can Ethics Get Valerie Essay

Waters appears to have fairly limited ethics. His moral imperative appears to be guided by whatever will benefit him the most personally. Under his watch, the organization has become less effective and has seen its size reduced by 60%. Waters does Continue Reading...

Healthcare Management and Ethics Essay

Work Group The proposed work group should have intimate knowledge of the issue and the different human resources policies impacted by the problem. This issue is connected to a variety of workplace departments, including human resource policies (in t Continue Reading...

Analyzing The Good Life Essay

Good Life What is Good Life? The Consequentialism Debate Utilitarian reasoning is regarded as "consequentialist." The other approach of human actions' analysis is called "deontologist" reasoning. Utilitarian and deontological reasoning have very Continue Reading...

The Ethics of Offshoring Research Paper

Outsourcing and offshoring are two means by which a business can reduce its costs, and these tactics can also have strategic advantages as well. However, they also typically come at a cost, in particular to workers in industrialized nations. Offshori Continue Reading...

Philosophy Health Care Medical Ethics Essay

Healthcare is one of the most important arenas for applied ethics and social justice. The concept of universal healthcare can be considered from a number of different ethical standpoints including consequential and deontological perspectives (Daniels Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Duty Ethics Essay

duty-based or deontological ethics will be defined and applied to Mattel Inc.'s case. Duty-Based Ethics Duty-based or deontological ethics deals with what individuals do, rather than the outcomes of their doings. Its key tenets are: Do what is et Continue Reading...

Nature Vs. Nurture Essay

Prescriptive Solutions General Motors and Ford have both had their issues with cars being sold with glaring and known safety problems. Ford's issues with the Pinto are legendary (not to mention notorious) while General Motors (GM) is having their ow Continue Reading...

Death Penalty Cannot Be Equalled Term Paper

[James fieser] We also have to assess the 'proportionality of happiness' factor in determining if capital punishment is justifiable in a particular case. That is to say that if the execution of a prisoner will save the lives of many people capital p Continue Reading...

Accounting Fraud Olympus Case Study

OlympusThe Olympus case highlights a number of behavioral, ethical and accounting issues. First, the ethics of the case are crystal clear. The two executives of Olympus went to extensive lengths to commit the fraud. It was carefully planned, with mu Continue Reading...

Utilitarianism As the Text Points Essay

Bentham is looking for measurable outcomes, because he wants to quantify ethics instead of leaving it up for endless debate. Good intentions can lead to undesirable consequences, which is why it is important to think through actions and consider al Continue Reading...

Philosophy About Kant Term Paper

Kant's Critique Of Practical Reason And Other Writing On The Theory Of Ethics Kant's article on practical reason on the theory of ethics draws heavily from deontological ethics. To make the term understandable from the layman's point-of-view, deonto Continue Reading...

IP Law Software Research Paper

Abandoned Software That most people do not "have the facts" about copyrights should surprise nobody. Let's be real here -- copyright law is complex, often vague or nuanced, and there are multiple different copyright regimes. No reasonable person wou Continue Reading...