83 Search Results for Female Serial Killers

Media, Violence, Sex, and Police Essay

Berrington, E., Honkatukia, P. (2002). An Evil Monster and a Poor Thing: Female Violence in Media. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 3(1): 50-72. Berrington and Honkatukia examine patriarchal constructs of British Continue Reading...

Murders It Began in February Term Paper

The year 1998 brought the highest number of murdered young girls yet and authorities arrested another man for those crimes. Press reports from the summer of 1999 typically offered body counts between 180 and 190, sometimes coupled with a reminder Continue Reading...

Sexual Homicide Term Paper

sexual homicides and the many things that can be related to them. Using two books, the author of this paper details the meaning of many terms including pyromania, necrophilia and paraphilia. Each of the terms is described and discussed in its relati Continue Reading...

Ted Bundy Essay

Abstract Ted Bundy became one of the most infamous serial killers in history. Like most serial killers of his ilk, Bundy showed signs of having high intelligence in spite of his anti-social tendencies. An examination of Bundy’s past, his predil Continue Reading...

Silence of the Lambs The Movie Silence Essay

Silence of the Lambs The movie Silence of the Lambs, released in 1991 has remarkably portrayed suspense, horror, intrigue and crime in such a mesh that is commendable in its story baseline and continues to thrill people of all generation with the pl Continue Reading...

Character in Cinema Thesis

He simply cannot escape these expectations. So, when Robert DeNiro takes on a comedic role, such as the role of the potential father-in-law in Meet the Parents, the moment he comes on the screen, the audience is aware that he is Robert DeNiro, in ad Continue Reading...

Ted Bundy Term Paper

Ted Bundy was born Theodore Robert Cowell on November 24, 1946. When he was four years old, Ted's mother moved with her son to Tacoma, Washington and remarried Johnnie Culpepper Bundy. Ted did not get along with his stepfather, although he would freq Continue Reading...

Video Game Violence During the Thesis

, 2000). Specifically, the fact that video games portray extremely violent actions without a human cost can lessen a person's natural response (including empathy) in addition to promoting reckless conduct in real life. It is not necessarily that tee Continue Reading...

Burglary Robbery Homicide Term Paper

Burglary, Robbery, Homicide Burglary, robbery and homicide are all criminal activities directed against the average man. There is never a specific indication as to the person who is going to fall as the next victim, and thus every individual needs t Continue Reading...

Andrei Chikatilo The Case of Term Paper

One can only imagine how sick his mind must have been to be standing in front of students, paid to impart educational knowledge to them, but in fact unable to be effective because he was having fantasies. In a Web site called Serial Killers, Chikat Continue Reading...

Violence - Violence on Campus Term Paper

The same students who sponsor night walks to check the lighting and grounds to increase safety will hold the door open for a stranger entering their residence hall. Despite frequent warnings, students - and even faculty, administrators, and other c Continue Reading...

Gender in Dr. Strangelove Stanley Thesis

The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove uses the context of Cold War brinksmanship in order to uncover a more fundamental problem with patriarchy and the maintenance of a destructive masculinity. This masculinity is under threat as a result of sexual frustra Continue Reading...

Crime Victims Research Paper

Stalking Victimization in the United States Crime Victimization It wasn't until Rebecca Schaeffer was killed by Robert John Bardo in 1989 that the word 'stalking' began to take on a new meaning in popular culture, one associated with the pursuit of Continue Reading...

Risk Assessment The Science of Essay

Psychology differs from other sciences, such as physics or chemistry, where test conditions and parameters are easier to control. In psychology, there are factors that are easily controlled, but there are also circumstances that are beyond the cont Continue Reading...

Man Has Evolved, from Times Term Paper

These women make outcalls, where they visit the home of the client; or in-calls, where the clients visit their homes. At the second tier are women who work at established locations such as strip clubs, sex juice bars, brothels and massage parlors, w Continue Reading...

Dark Figure of Crime Term Paper

Dark Figure of Crime The amount of crime in society gets known when it is reported to the police, through public response to victim surveys and studies of offenders who admit committing crime, and when transmitted to other agencies, such as hospital Continue Reading...

Manson Crime Scene Investigation and Thesis

This would be true although no evidence at the crime scene would connect Manson physically to the murders. The pronunciation at the crime scenes of his motive and philosophy would provide a clear line leading directly to Manson though. As the courts Continue Reading...