466 Search Results for Gender of the Perpetrator Has

Elder Abuse Essay

Victimology and the Problem of Elder Abuse Part 1 Introduction Just as criminology is the study of crime and the criminal’s role in crime, victimology is the study of victimization and how victims are impacted by crime and how they in turn also Continue Reading...

Sexual Assault and Eye Witness Term Paper

Sexual Assault and Eye Witness Accounts Sexual assault is a difficult crime to prosecute. It relies heavily on eyewitness accounts and proof of sexual assault. Rape kits are used to obtain physical evidence. These rape kits, along with interviews wi Continue Reading...

Sexual Assault College Females Essay

Sexual assault is real, the current unfolds have put this to the bare. I have also been simply amazed by the high profile sexual assault cases, and how such cases have been handled mainly, to favor the perpetrators while at the same time objectifying Continue Reading...

Protection of the Victims of Crime Essay

Victim blaming is one demeaning and devaluing act of putting the victim of a crime as being responsible, in part or in full for a crime or harm that actually affects them. It portrays the victim as being responsible for their own harm caused by anoth Continue Reading...

Woodsa, S. & Wolkeb, D. Term Paper

According to reports coming out of Japan, teasing is often associated with poor performance, and may be instigated by teachers in many cases. America, it should be noted, tens to have an anti-intellectualism streak in its politics and nature, while Continue Reading...

New Feminism When I Started Reaction Paper

This, to me, is an attempt to be realistic rather than feminist. Today, women are increasingly viewed, and portrayed by the media, as strong, independent creatures who can make decisions, pay bills, and "even" drive cars. They do, however, experienc Continue Reading...

Pornography Child Abuse and Coersion Essay

Disease Control and Prevention (2016), as many as one out of every four children have experienced some type of abuse: including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Exposure to pornography, whether accidental or not, can be harmful to children's ps Continue Reading...

Hate Crimes The Definition of Term Paper

C. By Michael Shively (June, 2005), the first hate crime laws were enacted during the sixties, seventies, and eighties. The first states to pass hate crime legislation were Oregon and Washington in 1981. The first federal hate crime legislation, Shiv Continue Reading...

Spring Breakers and Rape Culture Essay

Spring Breakers and Rape Culture In the film Spring Breakers, four young girls who look to be in their late teens or early twenties go on Spring Break. However, they do not have the money for a vacation and three members of the group, Brit, Candy, a Continue Reading...

Hate/Bias Crimes in New Jersey Term Paper

Hate is in fact moving the modern society away from freedom and democracy, and it is imperative that remedial measures are taken immediately to combat this. (Shulman, 1997) Some of the tools, other than legal options, can be education, and the prom Continue Reading...

Family Violence Against Women in Thesis

Komisi Nasional Anti-Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan - KNAKTP National Commission on Violence Against Women addresses policy reform at the national level, which may or may not prove to be effective in Cambodia, depending on officials leading governmen Continue Reading...

Ana Mendieta, Rape Scene Research Paper

As a result, the invited audience was essentially being asked to play the role of the person who is shocked by such a discovery -- and insofar as they knew they were being invited by Mendieta, and probably had basic knowledge of the crime that occur Continue Reading...

Integrated Theory Essay

Integrated Theory Sexual assault is an assault which is of a sexual nature done on another person either of the same of different sex. It also includes any form of sexual act that is committed without the consent of the person. Although in most case Continue Reading...

Sexuality and the War on Essay

Because of the heterosexuality promoted by the U.S., Osama bin Laden has been often related to homosexuality and sodomy in the years following the 9/11 incident. Those taking part in the process of linking terrorists to deviant sexual behaviors did Continue Reading...