90 Search Results for Gendered Criminology Theory the Authors

Social Dimensions of Crime Research Paper

Social Class And Crime For this study the researcher chose to explore social class and crime rates, because while there are many studies conducted on race and crime and gender and crime or related factors, social class seems to be something that is Continue Reading...

Racial Bias in Sentencing Do Thesis

It is not known if the bias found among males also exists among women. This study will address both the gap in methodology and the lack of studies regarding women. It will contribute to the existing body of evidence by filling in these important gap Continue Reading...

Women and the Death Penalty Term Paper

Women and the Death Penalty Analysis An Analysis of the Historical Effect of Gender and Race on the Application of the Death Penalty in the United States While the debate over capital punishment continues to rage in the United States, questions of Continue Reading...

Women and the Glass Ceiling Term Paper

questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=104546663 Duncan K. (1996) Gender differences in the effect of education on the slope of experience-earnings profiles: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979-1988. www.highbeam.com/Search.aspx?q=glass+ceiling+%20pub Continue Reading...

Community Policing Research Paper

Community Policing Efficacy The Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act of 1994 heralded the beginning of a massive effort to reform policing strategies in the United States, in part through implementation of community-policing programs at t Continue Reading...

Educational Research What Do You Thesis

Policy assessments must be based on the most appropriate data sets. Qualitative data is the most appropriate data set in educational research. Interactions abound in education. Those interactions create a complex matrix of issues affecting educatio Continue Reading...

White Collar Crime Essay

White Collar Crime Theoretical Perspectives of Criminal Behavior Three broad theoretical models of criminal behavior have historically prevailed. These models include psychological models of criminality, sociological models of criminality, and biol Continue Reading...

Peer Pressure and Its Influence Term Paper

Other factors included family problems and family substance abuse. Two common aspects occurred in all three blocks: first, interaction between the individual and the collective perspective; and second, the relationship between the subject's interio Continue Reading...

Reducing Citizen Complaints A Growing Essay

g. A Police Office in a large metropolitan area like New York will have different duties and dangers than a County Sheriff in a rural Oklahoma area) (Barlow, 2000). Rightly so, modern society has a certain level of expectations for its military and Continue Reading...

Police Use of Deadly Force Capstone Project

367 Although the incidence of deadly force use has likely remained steady in the first five categories, Russell and Beigel emphasize that based on the increased attention being directed at the "stake-out and drugs" category, these rates are likely Continue Reading...

Youth Gangs: The Role of the Family Essay

Youth Gangs: The Role of the Family in the Formation and Prevention of Youth Gangs The issue of youth gangs is one of the most serious concerns facing administrators in the UK today. Numerous factors have been identified as increasing the risk of on Continue Reading...

United States Has the Highest Rate of Essay

United States has the highest rate of confinement of prisoners per 100,000 population than any other Western country. Analyze this phenomena and discuss actions that you feel are necessary to combat this problem. The United States currently has the Continue Reading...

Privacy for High School Students Term Paper

Internet: Privacy for High School Students An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it s Continue Reading...

Victimology Annotated Bibliography Essay

Dussich J.P.J., (n.d). Victimology-Past, Present and Future. http://www.unafei.or.jp/english/pdf/RS_No70/No70_12VE_Dussich.pdf This is a report that was presented by Dussich John who holds a PhD in sociology and criminology from the Florida State Un Continue Reading...

CDC and NRA Battle of Gun Violence Essay

ECONOMICS of GUN VIOLENCE Ethical Analysis and CDC Utilitarianism Theory and CDC The Founding fathers of the U.S. were of the belief that keeping arms was important for the dignity and character of the free people and they wrote the 2nd amendment Continue Reading...