56 Search Results for Glass Steagall

Global Financial Crisis Essay

Global Financial Crisis Since the early 2008, financial institutions started to go through chaos all over the globe. The stock markets were beginning to crash, businesses were shutting down, and investors were losing their money. This was to indicat Continue Reading...

Government and Business Research Paper

Government and Business Over the last 100 years, the issue of government regulation has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because there has been a need for various laws to be enacted to protect the safety an Continue Reading...

Management Planning: The Failure of Essay

By "spreading these large expenses over decades rather than years," WorldCom's appeared to do the impossible: "cut annual expenses, acknowledge all MCI revenue, and boost profits from the acquisition" (Moberg & Romar 2008). Who wouldn't want to Continue Reading...

Mutual Fund Disclosure for the Essay

b) It is required that the "summary prospectus appear at the front of a fund's prospectus." (Security Exchange Commission (b)) c) Amendments have been made so that the Internet can be used to give important 'information' inclusive of "description Continue Reading...

Lehman Brothers: Here Today, Gone Essay

..although these securitization trusts were based on many unaffordable and unsustainable mortgages, it didn't crumble right away because the companies were gouging so much out of the consumer, they still had a high rate of return" but then housing pr Continue Reading...

Strategic Planning in a Bank's Term Paper

While many banks are closing branches, that is not necessarily the best strategy for banks attempting to stay close to their customers. Transaction costs: Of course all banks want to reduce transactions costs, but how many look at their customer's Continue Reading...

Investment Banking is a Highly Term Paper

S.-based and each accounts for approximately 8% of the sector. Knowledge is power in today's business world and where power goes, manipulation can't be far behind. Not a day goes by without talk of a new merger, acquisition or initial public offerin Continue Reading...

Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2001 Term Paper

Sarbanes-Oxley. The political pressure of the past several years following the dot.com bubble and the collapse of several major companies created a need for new securities legislation, which culminated last year in the Sarbanes-Oxley Investor Protec Continue Reading...