380 Search Results for Gun Control and First Amendment

Federal Gun Control Gun Control Essay

It is essential for the population to become aware of the dangers brought by owning and using firearms and contribute to policies that can better regulate this aspect. It is not about taking away a constitutional freedom; it is about creating a safe Continue Reading...

Sensible Gun Control Laws An Term Paper

Like the nature vs. nurture debate, the most likely answer to this question is most likely a combination of both conclusions. "If guns disappeared tomorrow, violence would surely continue. But it would probably be less devastating, especially for su Continue Reading...

Anti-Gun Control Gun Control is Term Paper

Moreover, the increase in firearm-related homicide within this age group occurred among all race-sex groups (Fatal). Rates of suicide by firearm were especially high among the elderly in the United States, and increases occurred in all race-sex grou Continue Reading...

New York State Gun Control Laws Essay

SMITH & WESSON SAFETY REFORM DEAL New York Gun Control Conflict Smith & Wesson Agrees to Key Safety Reforms Smith & Wesson Agrees to Key Safety Reforms Under mounting pressure from municipalities across the U.S., the Massachusetts gun Continue Reading...

2nd Amendments First Amendment & Term Paper

" Still, a judge has ordered the State Board of Education "not to enforce the new law while a suit filed by the father of a public school student proceeds" (Keen, 2007). Barry Lynn of the group Americans United for Separation of Church and State said Continue Reading...

Wants Gun Control America Research Paper

What are the Implications of Gun Control?In the wake of recent mass shootings, the issue of gun control has once again come to the forefront of public debate. Proponents of gun control argue that it will help to reduce gun violence and make it more d Continue Reading...

Responsibility Gun Control Term Paper

regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be in fringed. (Amendment II to the Constitution of the United States) The preceding sentence has inspired a great deal of Continue Reading...

English Literature Gun Control The Essay

No matter which side of this debate that you find yourself on, there is one thing for sure the interpretation will always be up to whoever is reading it at the time. The same can be said about which side of the gun control argument that you find yo Continue Reading...

School Shootings and Gun Control Essay

Main Title Improving School Safety Measures to Address the Problem of School Shootings Abstract School shootings are a problem that, unfortunately, is not going away.  Every year there seems to be another one, and by now the list is far too l Continue Reading...

Sensible Gun Control Public Service Essay

Persuasion is the cornerstone of advertising. Using the classic rhetorical devices of pathos, ethos, and logos, advertisers create emotionally powerful campaigns designed to change the ways consumers—or voters—think, act, and feel. The go Continue Reading...

Gun Violence in America Term Paper

Gun Violence in America There are raging political debates about gun control in America. Most poor urban cities are characterized by gun violence always attributed to gang violence. These gangs always comprise of young adults and juvenile males. Inc Continue Reading...

Gun Possession Refers to the Research Paper

Method Participants In the examination of the aspect of gun ownership, the research adopted the concept of qualitative research method. This is because the study focuses on the examination of social problem in the United States. Data was collecte Continue Reading...

Gun Violence in Schools Research Paper

Gun Violence in Schools School violence is a dangerous happening that is transcending many schools in the world. Several occasions have been reported where children have perished or suffered traumatic experiences of gunfire and killings within schoo Continue Reading...

Gun Laws To Begin, Gun Term Paper

The stick was federal prosecution carrying long sentences with no parole in faraway prisons; the carrot was meetings where offenders were offered help getting shelter, job training and education. In many instances, individuals revert to gun violence Continue Reading...

Gun Violence According to the Research Paper

In fact, the Second Amendment is a crucial constitutional clause that protects the rights of citizens to rise up against the government in extreme political situations. The Second Amendment has been taken too far out of context. Cornell (2006) stat Continue Reading...

Gun Ownership Discuss the Results Essay

A poignant question was devised by the William J. Krouse. This was pertaining to: whether gun owners were contributing to increased levels in violent crime. According to Krouse, 44 million people owned guns in 1995 which represented: 35% of househo Continue Reading...

Issues Surrounding Gun Ownership Essay

Gun violence in America has always been a great concern to communities, families and law enforcement officials. But in recent years gun violence has received a great deal more publicity and public concern because of the mass shootings -- particularly Continue Reading...

Proper Restrictions on Gun Ownership Essay

Gun Control In light of events like Sandy Hood, Columbine, the Charleston church shooting, the on-air shooting of two reports in Virginia and many others, gun control is a topic that has remained a topic that is ever-present in the twenty-four hour Continue Reading...

Gun Ban Safety and Legality Essay

Because gun suicide success rates are at about 90%, however, those who attempt suicide with a gun are far less likely to be given a second chance or time to reconsider. Success rates for other types of suicide are significantly lower, such as 2% for Continue Reading...

Difficulty of Starting a Gun Essay

However, this is a common, recurrent theme that has been injected into the public sphere by private interests. As a result, it dominates a substantial amount of discourse in the public sphere, and even people like Griffin and Rostron, who believe th Continue Reading...

Difficult Buy a Gun, a U.S. Citizens Thesis

difficult buy a gun, a U.S. citizens amendment 8-10 pages length, double spaced, font 12 times roman. MLA standards 8-12 sources, 12-20 citations. Why the U.S. should not ban gun control There is presently much controversy regarding the U.S. And i Continue Reading...

Right to Bear Arms Gun Term Paper

5 ounces of steel in them. The bill did not pass, but eventually a compromise bill went through requiring all handguns to have at least 3.7 ounces of steel. No completely plastic gun has ever been produced, although guns with a plastic frame are popu Continue Reading...

Payne, B. & Riedel, R. (2002). Gun Essay

Payne, B. & Riedel, R. (2002). Gun control attitudes criminal justice student: differences Provide APA-style citation of research article. Payne, B. & Riedel, R. (2002). "Gun control attitudes and the criminal justice student: do differenc Continue Reading...

2nd / Second Amendment Why Term Paper

Undoubtedly this would benefit the economy, as healthcare bills related to gun accidents continue to rise with each day that passes. Why not find a means to limit the accidental tragedies that occur with use of guns, rather then spend time and energ Continue Reading...