1000 Search Results for Immigration Is One of the

Immigration For Some Time Now, Essay

The main concern that Americans have regarding the massive influx of immigrants in their border states is that their jobs will be taken. All the rumors concerning Americans being fired so that lower-paid immigrants could take their place don't real Continue Reading...

Immigration in America Research Paper

Immigration in America: The Benefits and Costs of a Polarizing Problem Introduction As Suarez-Orozco, Rhodes and Milburn (2009) point out, immigrants need “supportive relationships” in order to succeed in the foreign country that they m Continue Reading...

Immigration and Immigrants Term Paper

Immigration and Immigrants Applied Problem/Social Issue: This paper discusses identity theory as a concept in sociological theory as related to immigration and immigrants. Should the United States continue to allow Immigrants to enter the U.S. seek Continue Reading...

Immigration in 1830s and '40s Essay

Big companies were also eager to hire immigrants to reduce their own expenditures. This led to a wave of anti-Catholic riots that targeted immigrants. The largest of such riots took place in Philadelphia in 1844, involving Protestants, Catholics, an Continue Reading...

Immigration and Crime in the Essay

To put a price tag on the problem for reader, Indiana University economist Eric Rasmusen claims in figures from a 2005 GAO report on foreigners that were incarcerated in Federal and state prisons calculated that illegal immigrants commit 21% of crim Continue Reading...

Immigration into the U.S. Bears Term Paper

In the most extensive study till date including nearly 3,000 people, Prof Vega has revealed that acculturation to U.S. customs has a damaging impact in the U.S. He found double the rate of mental disturbance in U.S. compared to the latest happenings Continue Reading...

Immigration The United States is Term Paper

Advocacy groups, whether private or government-sponsored, ease transition from home to America but being uprooted poses severe psychological and sociological problems that are not easy to fix. The United States remains one of the only nations to op Continue Reading...

Immigration to the United States Essay

S. And formed a country overflowing with thoughts, ways of life and backgrounds. The people arrived and continue to do so for many reasons, but, for all time, to realize one thing -- an improved life for their families. And, they have changed our nat Continue Reading...

Immigration - Drawing the Line Term Paper

There is no question, however, that immigration issues will remain in the forefront of our national policy debates. Deportation Factors and Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude Research indicates that since the late 1980s, Congress had been tightening Continue Reading...

Immigration -- the Challenge Illegal Essay

Scores of illegal Latin Americans work in the hospitality industry, construction, meatpacking, agriculture, and landscaping sectors. In fact, in some of the states it is said that almost half of the construction workers are from Latin America. There Continue Reading...

Immigration in the U.S.: An Research Paper

When economic conditions plummet, as they did in 2008, anti-immigrant sentiment may increase even more. Blaming immigrants is a popular pastime but it doesn't change the facts. Conclusion As America braces for a bruising round of political debate Continue Reading...

Immigration Ethnic Identity America is Essay

S. citizens of Mexican descent were blamed for social and economic problems and harassed and deported en masse (Background on Discrimination against Immigrants, n.d). Recently, people of Arab descent are experiencing an upsurge in hate crime, largel Continue Reading...

Rand Paul on Immigration As Term Paper

Rather than violating the rights of medical practitioners, is it not a better idea simply to break the trusts that make health care so unaffordable? I agree there should be real reform -- but we should not be satisfied with phony reform. Rand Paul Continue Reading...

Saskia Sassen / Immigration Tests Term Paper

On this issue, Sassen considers that the "economic globalization denationalizes national economies; in contrast, immigration is renationalizing politics" (1996, 63). In this sense, she points out the fact that immigration has become a major issue i Continue Reading...

Immigration Reform Bill Research Paper

Immigration Reform Bill Is About The immigration reform bill, passed in June, was the first major immigration reform initiative to have been accepted by either houses of Congress after many years of debate. "It addresses undocumented immigrants, le Continue Reading...