214 Search Results for Marijuana Should Be Legalized There Is No

Legalization of Marijuana Term Paper

Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana or Cannabis is actually a plant, which has the scientific name 'cannabis sativa' and was originally used for ordinary purposes such as for fabric making and cloth weaving. Some are of the view that it was also use Continue Reading...

Positive Effects Marijuana on Health Essay

Marijuana legalization The debate around the legalization of marijuana has been around for a number of decades now and from the political podiums to the confines of medical consultation rooms and laboratories, marijuana has raised mixed reception and Continue Reading...

Nationwide Marijuana Legalization Essay

Abstract There is a need to legalize marijuana and allow people an alternative source of health care to that which is provided by the pharmaceutical industry.  Big Pharma is responsible for the opioid epidemic devastating lives today.  Mari Continue Reading...

Legalization of Marijuana in the Case Study

" Moreover, instead of spending billions of dollars on fighting the war, the Mexican government could channel this money -- which is significant for the Mexican economy -- into meeting the population's social needs, thus decreasing the incentives for Continue Reading...

Marijuana Causes and the Effect Essay

There is a large, well-maintained drug smuggling organization that provides marijuana to American users, and many of those organizations are located in Mexico. They are violent, gang-oriented, they have a stronghold over Mexican society, and they do Continue Reading...

Marijuana and the Brain Term Paper

psychological effects of drugs. Specifically it will discuss the psychological effects of marijuana on the brain. Many factors of marijuana use can affect the brain, and these affects can be long-term and very harmful. Using marijuana may seem harml Continue Reading...

Legalizing Drugs Term Paper

Drug Legalization This week, Columbian drug smugglers surgically opened six Labrador retriever and Rottweiler puppies and stuffed packets of heroin inside their bellies. Countless human beings have willingly stuck packages of illegal substances into Continue Reading...

Anti-Legalization of Marijuana Term Paper

Legalizing Marijuana Recent ballot initiatives in states like California and Oregon asking for the decriminalization of marijuana use reveals a growing public acceptance of marijuana. The perception that marijuana is not dangerous has made drug enfo Continue Reading...

Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay

Marijuana Legalization I have no doubt in my mind that a majority of Americans hold a stand similar to mine; that the criminalization of marijuana is indeed costing us more than its legalization would. Those sitting on the fence, or holding a contr Continue Reading...

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper

Medical Marijuana Legislation and Civil Liberties When the historic passage of legislation permitting medical marijuana use in states like Arizona (2010), Delaware (2011) and Massachusetts (2012) is considered in conjunction with the fact that 13 ot Continue Reading...

Medical Marijuana a Crime or Term Paper

"You could say that anything that makes you feel better," Bock says, "whether chocolate or sex or invigorating exercise or a relaxing evening (depending on one's condition or circumstances), is good for you and could be viewed as medicine. Indeed, m Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act and Marijuana Essay

 When the Affordable Care Act was upheld by the Supreme Court, several people commended the Court for refusing to remove the only social protection they had which was established and improved by the New Deal as well as the Great Society. The Hou Continue Reading...

Decriminalization of Marijuana Term Paper

Decriminalization of Marijuana Ever since marijuana was declared an illegal drug in the U.S.A. By the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 under dubious circumstances, there has been a realization among various groups of people that it was a mis Continue Reading...

Legalization of Marijuana; Waving the Essay

The exact amount lost under prohibition is difficult to estimate, but probably approaches several billion dollars. Secondly, the projected problems for youth and workers and the state of the nation as a whole are far grimmer than the reality, which Continue Reading...

Medical Marijuana In Their Book Term Paper

An analogy can easily be made to the difference between purchasing a basil plant for $6 versus buying individual sprigs of basil at the grocery store for $2 each. Medical marijuana aside, serious social, philosophical, and political problems are as Continue Reading...