999 Search Results for Mythological Concept

Religion -- Concepts of Death Essay

The work of Chidester explores different types of death, and symbolizes three patterns describing the transcendence of death: ancestral, experiential, and cultural (12). Types of death, and the way death is imagined, can help human beings die in a Continue Reading...

Beliefs, Concepts, and Elements of Thesis

The Hasidic Jews are extremely pious and their numbers are small around the world. Each of these sects has relatively different views of their faith and values, but they all consider themselves bound as Jews beyond their specific beliefs. It is als Continue Reading...

Political Science The Concept of Term Paper

There was once a time when Greeks, for example, prided themselves over their national identity which was obviously based on the piece of land that Greeks occupied. However with the passage of time, this piece of land is losing its significance. Land Continue Reading...


This mythical structure has a long history in terms of mythical and visionary experience in all cultures of the world. One could also refer to the earliest Shamanic forms of religion and the myth of the dismembered Shaman who is also the transformed Continue Reading...

World Mythology Term Paper

Mythology Through the Eyes of Joseph Campbell This essay discusses a little part of world mythology as perceived through the eyes of Joseph Campbell. It also relates to his conceptualization of the myths associated with different geographical regio Continue Reading...

Use of Myth in a Work of Art Term Paper

Myth in a Work of Art Albert Camus was born on the 7th of November 1913 in Algeria from a French father and a Spanish mother. His father died in the First World War (seriously wounded in the battle of the Marne, he died a month later), so that Camu Continue Reading...

Philosophy, Myth, Religion Essay

human beings have attempted to make sense of their world. Being creative creatures, this attempt often takes the form of stories and myths on the basis of religion and mythology. For the more rational mind, philosophy has played an important role to Continue Reading...

Creation Mythology and Man's Place Essay

Zeus himself, though now king of the gods, is the child of other gods who are themselves children of still greater gods -- Gaia or Mother Earth among them. Most significant for our purposes here is the fact that Zeus created four other races of man Continue Reading...

Self The Concept of Self Research Paper

The key to flexibility of motivation is intrinsically conflicting motivational structures. The self as defined by Jung is the core or central component that keeps these opposing forces operating as an integrated whole. To what closing stages does th Continue Reading...

Buddhist Concept of Nirvana Research Paper

Nirvana Religious doctrine usually includes some form of salvation as a reward for good behavior and for keeping to the tenets of the religion. Each religion treats this general idea in its own way. For the Christian, right behavior lead to salvatio Continue Reading...

Monistic & Monotheistic Concepts It Essay

Firstly, the idea of the quest for the monotheist unity with God may be viewed not as much based upon desperation as it is upon the fulfillment to be found in the quest itself. The monotheist soul indeed may be seen as finding meaning not only in th Continue Reading...

Zionism The Concept of Zionism Thesis

In 300 BC, Jews were again exiled to Egypt by Ptolemy. His capture of Jerusalem led to the deportation of thousands of individuals to Egypt, and still others left of their own accord. Those that were left were often assigned to Ptolemy's garrison, Continue Reading...

Hindu Views The Concept of Term Paper

It is uncertain whether or not the early native Indians are responsible for creating the foundations of Hinduism or whether it was the invading Aryans who did it. Even with that, the early Vedic people are believed to have played a major role in sha Continue Reading...

Beauty Myth Naomi Wolf's the Term Paper

Wolf did not choose this word arbitrarily. She is well aware of it portents and the fact that it is loaded with meaning for women, albeit unconsciously for many. It is guilt she is attempting to highlight for them, and guilt that she attempting to f Continue Reading...

Modern Myth Proposal Essay

happiness' as my myth. I choose this because it is all prevalent, existing not just in the business sphere, but in all aspects of society, and because understanding what happiness truly is and isn't essential to our human endeavor in this world. Ha Continue Reading...

Zeus Myth Served Several Functions Essay

Zeus also acted on principle to create social order at Olympia by waging war on his own father. However, Zeus was just in his treatment of the vanquished Titans, eventually granting their freedom (Morford & Lenardon p. 78). Zeus's story mirrors Continue Reading...

Divine Providence is a Concept Essay

The appearance of this man and his story of the shipwreck during Dio Chrysostomos' tale of adversity could also be seen as an instance of divine providence. It would otherwise have to be seen as pure coincidence that this man, who is able to convin Continue Reading...

Natural Law The Concepts of Term Paper

So in order for the good to spread and evil to be eradicated, Divine Law had to arbitrate (Thomas Aquinas, 1947). Conclusion It is clear that no one can dispute the fact that every creature is born with certain fundamental rights, known as Natural Continue Reading...

Shusaku Endo The Concepts of Term Paper

Indeed, the Japanese persecutors were well-aware of the concept of sacrifice in Christianity that they even used this as a bait to convince Father Rodrigues to renounce his faith: "It is only a formality. What do formalities matter?...Only go throug Continue Reading...