226 Search Results for NYC 1930s Politics in

Lesbians in U.S. History Sexuality Thesis

In other words, World War II produced an important shift in both mentality and reality. Although many of the women who had been employed during the war returned to being homemakers, there was also a significant percentage which managed to reconcile Continue Reading...

Empire State Building Research Paper

1931, the Empire State Building was the highest building in the world. It was surpassed in its impressiveness only by the first World Trade Center in the 1970s. The man who played a significant role in the development of the ESB was Al Smith, an amb Continue Reading...

Public Sector Unions Research Paper


Form Longer Follows Function Term Paper

Capitalisms Influence on ArchitectureIntroductionArchitecture is subconsciously affected by contemporary ideology. In the recent past, it is affected by capitalistic thought as evident in Manhattanism, where congestion and hyper-density mark the isla Continue Reading...

Educational Leadership Term Paper

Educational Leadership in Latino Students Flow of Information: Introduction/Preliminary Lit Analysis Status of Performance of Latino Students Why Study Latinos? Why the Latino Performance is Low? How to change the situation? Los Angeles Specif Continue Reading...

Legaliztain of Marijuana In 2009, Term Paper

President Richard Nixon chose to ignore and through the whole report into the garbage. Instead, he had the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) created and were given authority enter homes without knocking and to use wiretaps and gather intelligence virtua Continue Reading...

Gun Control Advocates Argue That Term Paper

Opponents of gun control became more proactive and in 1977 after the capture of NRA leader, they began to harm the reputation of the GCA officers and executives. They aimed to scare the gun owners into thinking that they will be harassed and prosecu Continue Reading...

Hate Crimes The Definition of Term Paper

C. By Michael Shively (June, 2005), the first hate crime laws were enacted during the sixties, seventies, and eighties. The first states to pass hate crime legislation were Oregon and Washington in 1981. The first federal hate crime legislation, Shiv Continue Reading...

John D. Rockefeller, Sr. John Term Paper

B. Jennings - 10% (Poole 2000). Rockefeller believed that because entry costs were so low in oil drilling and refining, the market was glutted with crude oil with high levels of waste. Accordingly, the theory of free competition did not work well wh Continue Reading...

Down These Mean Streets Term Paper

Down These Mean Streets believe that every child is born a poet, and every poet is a child. Poetry to me was always a very sacred form of expression. (qtd. In Fisher 2003) Introduction / Background History Born Juan Pedro Tomas, of Puerto Rican and Continue Reading...

Walter Gropius Term Paper

Walter Gropius Germany's high culture of the late medieval period was followed by a slow decline. In the seventeenth century the Thirty Year's War wrecked her material and political potential for more than a century. In the late eighteenth century, Continue Reading...

Popular Culture Vs. High Culture Term Paper

Pop Art on Society During the fifties, America experienced tremendous growth in many aspects of society. As a result, technological advancements led to sophisticated aspects of American life. Media and advertising became mass media and the inventio Continue Reading...

How Do People Choose Cars Research Paper

Behavioral Economics There is a lot of predictability and patterns when it comes to economics. There are many examples that one can point to. First, there is a bit of a cycle to things. Even when there are economic "booms" in the United States or ot Continue Reading...

Zora Neale Hurston's Biography Their Essay

Conflict The sacred notions of love held by Janie are dashed when she is compelled into a marriage that was not based on love and she rushed into a second marriage in order to escape from her first marriage. Janie's first marriage hit the rocks as Continue Reading...

Rudyard Kipling Born in Bombay, Term Paper

In the novel, the reader is allowed to travel along with Kim and his master the Lama all over northern India, where they are constantly reminded of how life can take a very different path when one least expects it. The Grand Trunk Road along which K Continue Reading...

Weimar Republic Term Paper

Nervous Conditions After World War I, the German nation and its people were devastated. The public was led to believe that Germany was going to win the war, and it looked forward to a much- improved socio-economic climate. Instead, the war was lost Continue Reading...

Rise of Ngo Dihn Diem Research Paper

Where, he would portray himself as a staunch anti-communist that supported the ideas of liberty. Yet, when he had taken control of the country he immediately began to rule with an iron fist. This authoritarian rule and the way that Diem was able to Continue Reading...

Dubai There Certainly Seems to Term Paper

Whereas the natural coastline of Dubai is constantly re-supplied with sand from the ocean currents, the artificially formed coastlines are continuously having their sands stripped away by the currents and deposited further downstream. This means tha Continue Reading...