998 Search Results for Nursing Research the Objective of

Nursing Shadow Experience Research Paper

As a student who had only just completed the first semester of the course, I had no experience with pediatric patients prior to the shadowing task. Thus, the nurse shadowing task was a rather exciting experience for me, exposing me to several new asp Continue Reading...

Nurse Manger in the Clinical Term Paper

Because this is true, it is critically clear that the nursing leadership manager's role is one of a vital nature and that support for nurses in their role is the primary component that must necessarily be integral to leadership in nursing in dialysi Continue Reading...

Nursing Needs These Times Essay

Nursing Leadership Priorities and Challenges The priorities for nursing and nursing leadership are, on some levels, fundamentally simple. Nurses are simply tasked with providing the most effective care for their patient populations. This goal become Continue Reading...

Nursing Education Term Paper

Cross-Sectional Study to Determine Factors in the Educational Advancement of the Licensed Practical Nurse to the Registered Nurse in the State of North Carolina According to the Harvard Nursing Research Institute, United States nursing school enrol Continue Reading...

Nursing-Practice-and-Culture Term Paper

Culture Care Universality and Diversity Leininger conceptualized the theory of care was developed in the 1950s and provided a way to bridge a culture and nursing care. "Leininger theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality" (Garmon 2011 p 1) Continue Reading...

Nursing Theory Journal

Practicum Reflective Journal Nursing Theory My intended area of practice is the primary care of adults across their lifespan. Therefore, lifespan theory was chosen as the theoretical foundation for this practicum. Lifespan theories provide a framewor Continue Reading...

Nursing Metaparadigm Term Paper

Nursing metaparadigm is a declaration or series of declarations that identifies occurrences that include a range of philosophical beliefs and directs the approach to the identified assumptions. A metaparadigm is defined as the most comprehensive pers Continue Reading...

Nursing in the Media NOT Term Paper

The author quotes Gary Zukav as emphasizing that if a nurse perceives herself as powerless and her image as negative, the idea can sink to the subconscious level and realize itself. She will be drawn to those who will reinforce the idea. Practitione Continue Reading...

Nursing Practice Changes Essay

Nursing: Today and Throughout History The occupation of nursing has been around for almost all of history in some form or another. In the ancient Roman Empire are found records of the nursing practice, where nurses provided care to in-patients at lo Continue Reading...

Nursing Education Level and Negative Thesis

The study found that increasing the proportion of nurses who were more highly educated by ten percent lowered the thirty-day mortality rate of patients by five percent. Conversely, if the workload on these nurses was then increased by one patient th Continue Reading...

Nursing Philosophy A Philosophy of Essay

There are clear philosophical connections between the core ideas of hermeneutics and those of historicism, because each posits a potentially radical degree of relativism. Rodgers & Knafl (2005) explore this, arguing not for a return to any radi Continue Reading...