82 Search Results for Patriot Act Overview

Privacy for High School Students Term Paper

Internet: Privacy for High School Students An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it s Continue Reading...

911 and Beyond Presage an Era of Essay

911 and Beyond Presage an Era of New Terrorism? What Problems Does this Pose in Terms of Risk Management? For airports and the airline industry worldwide, the events of September 11, 2001 were absolutely catastrophic, especially in the United State Continue Reading...

Growth and the Social Importance Term Paper

The author states that the laws of citizenship have also shown an even greater amount of discrimination. The article goes on to describe the various laws as they relate to birthright and citizenship. The important point is made that most people rec Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Illicit Finance Essay

Illicit Finance Why is the internet important to money laundering? A large number of nations now have aggressive policies in place against money laundering, rendering it exceedingly difficult for offenders to apply traditional money laundering tact Continue Reading...

Mortgage Fraud Term Paper

Mortgage Fraud If a rash of armed bank robberies swept across America next year, and if in these robberies criminals absconded with $30 billion dollars, one may be certain that a public panic would ensue. The banking system would likely be changed f Continue Reading...

Transformation of US into Oceania Essay

The Greatest Issue Facing 21st Century Ethical Leadership Big Brother is Watching You. -- George Orwell, 1984 The chilling but fictitious epigraph above is becoming all too real for many people around the world today. Indeed, a growing number of auth Continue Reading...

Madison's Role in Trying to Term Paper

In fact, during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Slonim notes that the need for a bill of rights was not even a topic of discussion until Virginian delegate George Mason raised the issue just several days before the Convention was scheduled to ri Continue Reading...

Oklahoma City Bombing Research Paper

feared terrorist acts in the history of United States where Oklahoma City was targeted as the place for criminal act. The intention of this paper is to give a brief overview of the event that took place in 1995 and the conspirators behind this crimi Continue Reading...

Deterring Terrorism Research Paper

Terrorist Surveillance Techniques: An Overview The United States and most other major powers routinely engage in surveillance of terrorist groups and individuals likely to perpetuate terrorist activities. This was one of the rationales for founding Continue Reading...

Hero in Popular Culture- One Term Paper

Camera angles that focus on wretched faces, of young boys in red coated uniforms begging for mercy, and of the arrogance of the British officer corps, not just towards Americans, but towards their own enlisted men, are shown with filming skill. As m Continue Reading...

Barry Friedman Details the Ethical Essay

But if it wishes to stand by the stated principles of its founding and the message it attaches to its history, than profiling cannot be allowed to exist. 4) Deontological ethical systems "guide and assess our choices of what we ought to do," as opp Continue Reading...

Flavius Joephus Much of the Term Paper

And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him previously did not cea Continue Reading...

Importance of the American Revolution Essay

American Revolution was a political turmoil that occurred in the United States between 1765 and 1783 through which rebels in Thirteen American Colonies defeated Britain's authority and led to the formation of the United States of America. The rebels Continue Reading...

Battle of Cowpens Research Paper

Battle of Cowpens The British Are Not Coming: How the Read Coats Lost the Battle of Cowpens The Battle of Cowpens is considered by many historians to be a critical battle, which to a large extent shaped the outcome of the American Revolutionary War Continue Reading...

Richard Nixon Term Paper

Richard M. Nixon: The Transformation from Disgraced President to Senior Statesman have chosen a plan for peace for Vietnam. I believe it will succeed. If it does succeed, what the critics say now won't matter. If it does not succeed, anything I say t Continue Reading...