123 Search Results for Sickle Cell Disease or Sickle

Advocacy Bone Marrow Donors Research Paper

Bone Marrow Advocacy Bethematch.org is the website for the National Bone Marrow Donor Program. Through the website and the Be the Match organization, people can register to become potential bone marrow donors. Be the Match is the central bone marrow Continue Reading...

Gene Therapy Term Paper

Gene Therapy The treatment of genetic diseases has appeared a daunting challenge because there seemed little to be done if the immutable basic blueprints of the body have a serious imperfection (Beutler Pp). Even fifty years ago it was possible to g Continue Reading...

H1N1 Virus Term Paper

H1N1 I chose this topic because the H1N1 virus and the swine flu have taken over the news. The Ohio Department of Health is heavily committed in getting the word out. "During the week of October 18-24, 2009, influenza activity continued to increase Continue Reading...

Genomic Medicine Essay

Human Genome Project Launched in 1990 as a collaborative initiative between the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy, the Human Genome Project completed its goal ahead of time despite the enormous challenges that were inv Continue Reading...

Strokes and African Americans Research Paper

Strokes and African-Americans African-Americans are reported to be nearly twice as likely to experience a stroke as their white counterparts however, African-Americans are much less likely to know the risk-factors and symptoms of stroke or to seek e Continue Reading...

Pain Management in the Emergency Thesis

The study observed that post training pain documented by physicians and nurses increased from 61% and 76% to 78% and 85% respectively. Also noticeable was the increase in dosage of analgesia from 40% to 63% and of morphine from 10% to 17% while intr Continue Reading...

Diabetes-Mellitus-and-Stress Research Paper

Chronic Sorrow Theory The term 'chronic sorrow' may be described as sadness of a persistent, periodically severe, increasing, and lasting nature. This condition may be triggered in a person because of ongoing loss, arising from personal chronic dis Continue Reading...

Medicaid Assessment Program Research Paper

The Medicaid Health Care ProgramIntroductionMedicaid was formed in the year 1965 as a public insurance program to provide health coverage to families and individuals that earned low incomes. The people that the Medicaid insurance program covers inclu Continue Reading...

Colonial Latin America Term Paper

Born to Die Why did the native populations, such as the Incas and the Aztecs, appear to be, not equals to be met with military and diplomatic force, but as victims born to die in the eyes of the invading European powers? Why were they not feared, de Continue Reading...

Malaria: Diagnosis White Paper

Malaria: An Epidemiological Overview Distribution: Environmental risk factors Because of malaria's mode of transmission (through Anopheles mosquito bites), it is an almost exclusively tropical disease. "Temperature is particularly critical. For exa Continue Reading...

Rheumatic Fever Term Paper

Rheumatic Fever The Etiology, Incidence and Treatment of Rheumatic Fever Today Like many diseases such as smallpox and polio, Zamula (1987) reports that until fairly recently, rheumatic fever was described by most public health officials as being a Continue Reading...

Dental Case Study Case Study

Dental Case Study The patient in the case that is presented is a Latino male just over 13 years old. He has sickle cell anemia, and suffers from an intellectual disability. This paper reviews the case study from a dental health perspective. What is Continue Reading...

Genetics What Parents Do Not Essay

With recessive genes (in which both mother and father have to contribute a 'positive' set of the same genes) are designed to work in precisely the same way that hemophilia does: One out of four offspring (on average) will have the condition, two wil Continue Reading...