56 Search Results for Trifles by Susan Glaspell in Trifles by

Secret Harboring of Fugitives -- Term Paper

The image of the law arises, but like the woman, the captain has already experienced a kind of internal, moral shift. Like the woman the captain cannot bear to morally condemn the murderer, or reveal the fact that Leggatt is on his ship when the aut Continue Reading...

Jury of Her Peers, The Research Paper

The women recognize they have let Mrs. Wright down by not visiting her or supporting her, and so, they do the right thing by hiding the evidence and "saving" Mrs. Wright. The governor recognizes he will be remembered only as the puppet of Francis, a Continue Reading...

Jury of Her Peers-short-story Essay

Like many other feminist short stories that emerged around the turn of the century, Susan Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers” sharply critiques patriarchal gender roles and norms. Called a “small feminist classic” by litera Continue Reading...

Comparing Genres Term Paper

Message, Different Genres Literature is a means by which people can raise questions about the society they live in and address issues of concern to them. One of the questioned often raised relates to the role of women in society. Female writers are Continue Reading...

Losing It Earnest Hemingway Has Essay

This conflict led Krebs to want to seek a staid, trouble free existence in which there were as few responsibilities and hardships incurred as a result as possible. In addition to the evidence already discussed that reinforces the truth of this thesi Continue Reading...

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Essay

American Dream; Now a Distant Reality This book was chosen not just because of the way that the story has been written by the author Arthur Miller but also because it revolves around the 'great American dream of success.' The way that the author ha Continue Reading...