120 Search Results for Yellow Wallpaper

Women in Society Term Paper

Yellow Wallpaper,' the nameless narrator is compelled by those that surround her to spend time in a colonial mansion in order to rest and get well. The opposite happens; we see her descend into madness in a way that is vaguely reminiscent of the mai Continue Reading...

Women's and Gender Studies Research Paper

Women and Gender Studies Of all the technologies and cultural phenomena human beings have created, language, and particularly writing, is arguably the most powerful, because it is the means by which all human experience is expressed and ordered. As Continue Reading...

Structuralism and Literature Term Paper

Structuralism and the Yellow Wallpaper Structuralism and Stetson's "The Yellow Wallpaper" In Charlotte Perkins Stetson's short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper," a chilling and darker side of the Victorian woman is exposed. In the story, a young Victor Continue Reading...

Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen Term Paper

You see he does not believe I am sick!" (Gilman). In fact, there is a question as to whether the narrator drags her husband along with her in her journey into madness. Two feminist writers note, "At the moment when Gilman's narrator completes the i Continue Reading...

Evaluating Narrating and Describing Essay

Charlotte Perkins Gilman entitled "The Yellow Wallpaper." The best way to evaluate this essay is by identifying the various thematic elements prevalent in it. These include the waning sanity of the protagonist, the intransigence of her husband, and Continue Reading...

Short Story Poem Term Paper

female body -- the sum of its parts? In short story, novel, and poetic depictions of Gillman, Brooks, and Piercy despised flower, called a yellow weed by most observers. A trapped and voiceless bodily entity, like a ghost, perhaps behind a surface o Continue Reading...

Unraveling: The Heroine of Charlotte Essay

"I cry at nothing, and cry most of the time… I lie here on this great immovable bed -- it is nailed down, I believe -- and follow that pattern about by the hour. It is as good as gymnastics, I assure you. I start, we'll say, at the bottom, dow Continue Reading...

Imagination and Practicality in The Essay

Jane's lessening of her introspection as the story progresses indicates how much further she has sunk. She doesn't question this fantasy of hers about the woman behind the wallpaper -- she obviously accepts it as fact. it's entirely possible that ev Continue Reading...

Charlotte Perkins Gilman and "The Term Paper

.. With these materials and with the aid of the trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche." In "The Cask," both insanity and murder operates to create a feeling of the grotesque all throughout the story. Moreover, these themes w Continue Reading...

Huck Finn Huck in the Term Paper

Can't say I disagree with him -- so I guess this yellow wallpaper crazy lady didn't have it so good, for all her money. Sure, that lady went crazy, even though she was rich and livin' a high life. But heck, I might have gone crazy myself staring a Continue Reading...

Charlotte Poe Essay

monologue in Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Both Charlotte Perkins Filman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontilado" involve copious amounts of monologue. Each of these tales is narrat Continue Reading...

Feminism in the Works of Term Paper

" A story narrating the life of the abused Minnie Foster, wife to John Wright, and her killing of her husband as a means to express her oppression and experiences of abuse from him. Like the narrator's downfall to insanity in "Yellow wallpaper," Minn Continue Reading...

Charlotte Perkins Gilman One of Term Paper

Her mother gave her little affection, believing she would never know the pain of rejection if she never experienced love. (Vosberg para. 13) The clear need her character has for a family and for overt family support, as well as the suspicions that Continue Reading...

Madness in Women In Most of the Term Paper

Madness in Women In most of the novels and the works in consideration we see the struggle for expression and the quest to overcome masculine oppression (on the part of the author) finds expression as a deteriorating mental state of the character. L Continue Reading...

Loneliness to Insanity Term Paper

Loneliness to Insanity In "The Second Sex," originally published in 1949, Simone de Beauvoir explored the historic situation of women and concluded that women have been prevented from taking active control of their lives (Vintges pp). Beauvoir belie Continue Reading...

Women's Role Term Paper

Setting of Two Turn of the Century Feminist Tales The use of irony in both tales Women today Women's Role in "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "A Story of an Hour" Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short tale "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Katherine Anne Porter's Continue Reading...

Comparison of Style and Purpose Term Paper

Rose for Emily," which was authored by William Faulkner in 1930 and "The Yellow Wallpaper," that was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892, both are intimate stories about women living in their particular times in the United States. In additio Continue Reading...

Confluence of Prose and Poetry Term Paper

This is why wars are fought with bloodletting, why torture takes place, and why neither violence nor war is limited to the physical carnage of the battlefield. Nordstrom 59) The early death of Clifton's mother, as a result of having to powerlessly Continue Reading...

Comparing Genres Term Paper

Message, Different Genres Literature is a means by which people can raise questions about the society they live in and address issues of concern to them. One of the questioned often raised relates to the role of women in society. Female writers are Continue Reading...

Teenagers and Conflict a Review Essay

Teenagers in Conflict With Their Environment At the time of the stories Teenagers are often in conflict with their environment. What some call the "rebellious" years are at times just periods in a person's life where he or she may feel confused, lo Continue Reading...