998 Search Results for Criminal Justice Research Methods

Impact Criminal Justice Elder Abuse Essay

Abstract Elder abuse is a complex and multifaceted problem. Although the majority of elder abuse still does take place in the domestic setting, increasing numbers of cases are occurring within the healthcare or nursing home setting. Measuring elder Continue Reading...

Modern Criminal Justice Essay

Death penalty is generally conceived of as the supreme legal sanction, inflicted only against perpetrators of the most serious crimes. The human rights community has traditionally held a stance against the death penalty for a wide variety of reasons: Continue Reading...

Issues in Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System Challenges of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) to law enforcement Law enforcement agencies view the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) the most harmful street gang in the U.S. The aggressive nature of MS-13 members have led to a variety of k Continue Reading...

The Ethical Issues of Criminal Justice Essay

Discussion 1 Considered policies and programs 1. Criminal Justice system: Impact caused by a lengthy criminal justice system on crime suspects 2. Border Control Program: Significance of enhanced boarder control in preventing crime, drug trafficking Continue Reading...

Justice Crime and Ethics Research Paper

Justice, Crime and Ethics Prepping the President: Ethical Analysis and Future Policy Initiatives Suggesting the Use of Rehabilitation in Corrections The President of the United States has just scheduled a town hall meeting entitled, "Criminal Just Continue Reading...

Criminal Investigation Research Paper

Criminal Investigation Investigative Task Force Assuming that legal authority was not an issue, should this investigation be conducted by VPD personnel or a multijurisdictional task force? This investigation should be carried about by VPD personnel Continue Reading...

Justice As Retribution Research Paper

Justice as Retribution Every individual in the globe has a perception towards crime, justice, criminals, and many other aspects in relation to criminals. On hearing the term "criminal," every individual reacts differently. There are those who feel t Continue Reading...

Criminal Behavior Term Paper

Criminal Behavior Approaches to Understand Criminal Behavior Psychological Approaches Sociological Approaches Biological Approaches Psychosurgery Chemical Methods of Control Imagine yourself having a walk in the premises of your house and a st Continue Reading...

Criminal Type Term Paper

Criminal Justice The Criminal Type What do you think of when someone talks to you about the 'criminal type'? Is there a specific 'type' of person that can be construed 'criminal?' According to Jessica Mitford, "Americans are preoccupied with crimes Continue Reading...

Criminal Justice Study Essay

5: Evaluating a research article. In the study by Corsaro, Brunson and McGarrell (2009), the researchers use mixed-methodology of quantitative hierarchical growth curve models and qualitative interviews to measure whether problem-oriented policing st Continue Reading...

Mixed Methods Designs Essay

Generally, research may be quantitative or qualitative. Nonetheless, the usage of the two methods at the same time is common -- the mixed methods approach. Indeed, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches overcomes the limitations inherent Continue Reading...

Criminal Sentencing Term Paper

criminal justice system comprises of key features that generally include the criminal act, investigations into it and subsequently arresting the suspect, abhorrence to suspect's rights in the course of due process, the trial as well as the sentencin Continue Reading...

Justice of Restoration Research Paper

Restorative Justice The purpose of this article was to show that restorative justice is significantly more satisfying as compared to courts for both offenders and victims. This was achieved with a randomized experimental design known as Reintergrati Continue Reading...