997 Search Results for Drug Usage the Use Drugs

Drugs There Are Several Major Term Paper

The legalization of cocaine in any field would only make it easier to get, and therefore raise levels of illicit use. Cocaine should continue to be a fully illegal substance. 2a. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are usually administered at first in Continue Reading...

Drug Use Needle Exchange Program Term Paper

S. Government Publication. Methadone is an opioid that is often used as an analgesic for purposes of treating such drug addictions as heroine. It has especially been found to be successful at treating heroin withdrawal symptoms and thus originally w Continue Reading...

Drug-Abuse-and-Abuse Research Paper

Drug Abuse in Long Island, New York With more than seven and a half million residents, Long Island, New York is a major center of commerce and education, but like many other densely populated large urban centers, this city also has a significant dru Continue Reading...

Drug Addiction: Social Problem Term Paper

Drug Addiction: A Social Problem DRUG ADDICTION The drug addiction has radically increased throughout the world over the past few years. This research study aims at analyzing the problem of drug addiction, its individual and social implications and Continue Reading...

Drug Use Argument Against the Term Paper

Drug use is no difference. Drug use, even in private, can affect other people by promoting disregard for the law. Allowing drug use in the home encourages drug sellers to continue selling, since they still have buyers. Most casual drug users are no Continue Reading...

Drug Courts One of the Research Proposal

Adolescents and Children The drug courts have become part of the solution, not the problem in the lives of thousands of children and adolescents across the country (Schwebel, 176). Juvenile drug courts are increasing in the United States, as a re Continue Reading...

Drugs - Cocaine COCAINE Cocaine Essay

The euphoric cocaine high is very addictive and in experiments on laboratory animals, mice and chimpanzees given the choice between food and cocaine typically prefer cocaine to such an extent that they will ignore the lever rewarding them with food Continue Reading...


Vancomycin should be given for at least 60 minutes. The initial dosage for pediatrics with renal impairment is not less than 15 mg/kg per day or 15 times the GFR in mL/min. Premature infants should have longer dosing intervals. PO administration sho Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse in Nursing Research Paper

Drug Abuse in Nursing Nurses and other medical professionals are tasked with taking care of their patients, of healing the body and saving lives. It is the job of these healthcare workers to literally stay death and make the individual well again. T Continue Reading...

Drug Use and Abuse Drug Abuse Caetano Essay

Drug Use and Abuse Drug abuse Caetano (1997, 58) in his studies describe drug abuse as the poor pattern of substance or drug consumption that results to harm on one's health and when you think about the word drugs, what comes to mind? It's in our h Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse in Children and Thesis

While previous studies have indicated that parental use of prescription drugs facilitates addiction through availability, it would also be valuable to see if parental use of such drugs normalizes seeking pharmaceutical solution to problems on a psy Continue Reading...

Drug Culture in Lost Weekend, Reaction Paper

While Jacob's Ladder is a horror film, Jacob Singer, played by Tim Robbins, is haunted by hallucinations, which he is convinced are a result of secret government chemical or drug testing carried out on him during the Vietnam War. In this regard, Jac Continue Reading...

Drug Therapy Case Study Case Study

Drug Therapy Case Study You are on a medical unit and caring for a new admission, Ms. Polly Pharm a 65-year-old grandmother. Polly has the presenting problems of Type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis and gastritis. Ms. Pharm's current medication regime is Continue Reading...

Drug and Alcohol The Effects Thesis

And they can often escape into substance abuse and addiction" (Study reveals rise in drug, alcohol abuse during economic downturn). One of the most important ways in which an increasing rate of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction affects the econo Continue Reading...

Drug Use and Music Essay

Drug Music is an art form that addresses many social issues, even in popular music otherwise designed for entertainment. I am interested in this topic because drug use is one of those many different issues. Most forms of music will address drug use Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse Case Study The Case Study

As indicated by Miller & Rollnick (1991), confronting a client might leave them with a feeling of being under attack. This may then reduce their urge of being treated. Zweben, Miller, Rychtarik, DiClemente (1992) indicated that most people would Continue Reading...

Drug Trafficking Term Paper

Drug Task Force During the investigative process for a suspected drug-related criminal organization, a judge has issued a wiretap order for a suspect's phone. I have been assigned the responsibility of monitoring the suspect's phone conversations. D Continue Reading...

Drugs & Ethics The Kalydeco Term Paper

The Orphan Drug Act is an extension of these ethics, but veers away from utilitarianism. The principle at work with orphan drugs is more deontological in its nature because it uses massive amounts of taxpayer money to provide drugs for relatively fe Continue Reading...

Drug Companies and Poor Nations Term Paper

) (Wadhwa, Rissing, Gereffi, Trumpbour and Engardio, 2008). Clearly, it is important to have standards for all pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the WHO or WTO could monitor the quality control of this globally, adding a few cents per dose to help defray the Continue Reading...

Drug Panic It Used to Term Paper

Newspapers and magazines, if they picked up the story, could spread a large amount of information very rapidly, and whether this information was accurate or not it would still cause problems for the drug company that marketed the particular drug (Hi Continue Reading...

Drug Free Workplace Term Paper

Drug Free Workplace Substance abuse in the workplace is a serious issue. Employees who are under the influence of a drug on the job compromise an employer's interests, endanger their own health and safety and the health and safety of others, and can Continue Reading...

Drug Company Perks As a Article Critique

Patients have a right to know if their doctor's decision to prescribe a certain medication has been influenced by free lunches or other perks, rather than that doctor's objective overview of prescribing information. In fact, the real ethical issue Continue Reading...

Drug Testing Police Coercion Essay

Drug Testing / Police Coercion Probationers/parolees Rights Individuals classified as either probationers or parolees occupy an intermediate position in regard to their constitutional rights. They do not enjoy the full range of rights afforded ordi Continue Reading...