329 Search Results for Evolution of the Female Figure

Mozart In 1786, the Neoclassical Term Paper

" Mozart used the play, about a maid, Susanna, who is to marry a valet, Figaro, as the story line of his opera. Together Figaro and Susana seek to outwit their master who is trying to seduce Susanna. A master had "first night rights" to the female se Continue Reading...

William James Psychology Term Paper

William James was a prominent psychologist and philosopher in the early 20th century. Presently, James' work is outdated, but only in the sense that Galileo's or Darwin's work is outdated. Both Darwin and Galileo were originators in their respective Continue Reading...

Neo Pets Case Study NeoPets Term Paper

Life lessons, relationship lessons, even artistic, music, and performance sharing could take place (imagine, a NeoPet "Grease" production using a global cast)? Conclusions and Implications -- NeoPets obviously provides a niche about which some con Continue Reading...

Cystic Fibrosis in the Modern Term Paper

cff.org/will each be the source of information and professional peer reviewed articles will be cited from these sources and identified by source as they cited. There is a wealth of available information, data and studies on CF. What it all means to Continue Reading...

Voting Rights Act of 1965 Thesis

Even in the 2008 general election, which had widely-touted voter turnout, a number of eligible people did not vote. Michael McDonald engaged in a complex study, which not only looked at people in the population who were age-eligible for voting, but Continue Reading...

Enlightenment on American Culture and Essay

Works Cited Baumgarten, Linda. (2002). What Clothes Reveal: The Language of Clothing in Colonial and Federal America: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Bilhartz, Terry D., and Elliott, Alan C. (2007). Cu Continue Reading...

Aetiology and Management of Cancer Essay

This is related to bronchitis, asthma and long-term conditions such as lung cancer and bladder cancer (Robinson, 2009). It is estimated that the chances of getting bladder cancer is high for ex-smokers and passive smokers even after thirty years la Continue Reading...

Macro Environment NutriPower is a Essay

Moreover, considering that the country has a tradition in consuming cereal products due to its agricultural background and preoccupation for healthy lifestyle, the technology adopted by a market entrant should also allow for flexibility in terms of Continue Reading...

1922 Silent Film Nosferatu: A Term Paper

These subsequent Draculas are all pretenders to the throne, thanks to the iconographic excellence that emerged in the 1922 version. Indeed, subsequent Draculas in many cases have taken on slick, well-dressed, classy appearances, quite the opposite o Continue Reading...

Violence and the Cross An Essay

Gustavo Gutierrez did just that in Latin America, employing Marxist analysis to interpret the Jesus' teachings in the Gospel. Gutierrez founded Liberation Theology, which is, essentially, the twentieth century take on Violence and the Cross. Christ Continue Reading...


Grohol J. (2005). Attachment Theory. Psych Central. Retrieved October 7, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Attachment_theory Psych Central is a web site which provides free mental health, support and psychology informa Continue Reading...

Clinical Psychology Dissertation

Clinical Psychology Dissertation - Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings An Abstract of a Dissertation Dream Content as a Therapeutic Approach: Ego Gratification vs. Repressed Feelings This study sets ou Continue Reading...

South Africa and HIV Ghost Writing

Preface – Moral Leadership in an International Context South Africa - Johannesburg and Cape Town December 2018 – January 2019 Wow! What an adventure! This trip/course to South Africa with my Candler School of Theology comrades was a ful Continue Reading...

Sociology - Gender & Sexuality Thesis

More specifically, whereas certain components of human behavior are hard wired, many other components are learned from exposure to others in society. According to this view, the individual learns by watching others, starting in early childhood. By a Continue Reading...

Women Are Portrayed in Late Term Paper

(269) It would seem that the artists and the press of the era both recognized a hot commodity when they saw one, and in this pre-Internet/Cable/Hustler era, beautiful women portrayed in a lascivious fashion would naturally appeal to the prurient in Continue Reading...

Price Remains One of the Dissertation

From this perspective, luxury brands may be desired be many consumers, but the more affluent are clearly more readily capable of such acquisitions, making them a natural target for luxury brands marketers. Although there is a growing body of contem Continue Reading...

Against Same Sex Marriages This Term Paper

What right do these people have to take away these rights of a child? Children without a fatherly figure are more likely to end up breaking the law. Same sex marriage denies them the right to have the normal environment for socio-emotional developm Continue Reading...

Art Forms of Islam Include Research Paper

178). For example, Sakkal reports that, "The measuring system of Ibn Muqlah is based on a circle with a diameter that equals the height of the letter Alef. It controls the correct proportions of the letters by comparing them to the circle, and by di Continue Reading...

Television and American Pop Culture Essay

Cable television also opened up the medium to numerous types of television programming that had previously been excluded, simply because it could never have competed with the demand for mainstream types of programs during the same time slot. Initi Continue Reading...

Evita Peron The Cultural and Term Paper

"(Schneider, 396) it was certainly Evita's dedication to the poor which promoted her as a cultural icon in the first place. This idea is openly available in her writings, where she emphasizes her view on social justice and her indignation when confro Continue Reading...