997 Search Results for Foreign Policy Towards the Middle

North Africa Nation Building Case Study

North Africa Nation Building Authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and North Africa have been collapsing unexpectedly over the past year, or at least are under severe challenge by their own people for the first time in decades. In Tunisia, the fi Continue Reading...

War on Terror Although the Rhetoric on Essay

War on Terror Although the rhetoric on the War on Terror has subsided somewhat since Bush left office, terrorism itself remains an unfortunate reality around the world. The War on Terror was largely a propaganda machine, which perpetuated a cultural Continue Reading...

Cold War Refers to the Post World Term Paper

Cold war refers to the post world war 2 period till 1991 when there was a geopolitical game being played by two nations that emerged as super powers from the shambles of the world wars. This period was noted for the polarization of power and Russia a Continue Reading...

Nation Building in Iraq Term Paper

Policy Advisement on Efficacy of Nation Building in Iraq Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretary of State, After a decade to examine the consequences of America's decision to invade Iraq -- and engage in a massive nation building effort after successf Continue Reading...

Energy Policy Capstone Project

Energy Policy which reflects the urgency in order to utilize the renewable sources of energy which can provide an alternative for the non-renewable energy in United States of America. Global Energy Crises Worldwide energy consumption is at its hig Continue Reading...

Obama's Energy Policy Term Paper

Obama energy policy in relation to the economy of the United State of America's 21st century economy. It begins with a general description of the policies and then proceeds and outlines the various elements of the policy. After the analysis the pape Continue Reading...

The Korean and the Vietnamese War Essay

Foreign Policy Korean War It can be argued that the Americans won and lost the Korean War. When the war broke out in 1950, the U.S. entered the war to curb the spread of communism in Asia. North Korean Army had attacked the South to an extent of ta Continue Reading...

How to Conduct a Policy Analysis Essay

Policy Analysis Abstract This paper focuses on a bill currently going through Congress that would restrict the right of Americans to voice their support for the oppressed and marginalized Palestinian people by joining in the BDS Movement. This paper Continue Reading...

Failure of Economic Policies Exploring Essay

Japan was once on a stellar track to economic prosperity. The end of the twentieth century saw promising chances for the island nation's economy. In 1991, the government spending was one of the lowest the Organization for Economic Co-operation and D Continue Reading...

Water Crisis in the Middle East Term Paper

Water Crisis in the Middle East What is the Six Day War, and what are the various events that led to the War? What is the background of the War, and what were its consequences? The Six Day War took place in the month of June 1967. The crisis had act Continue Reading...

Strategic Security in the Middle Term Paper

Of the six conflicts (within the fifty mentioned) that resulted in 200,000 or more deaths, three were between Muslims and non-Muslims, two were between Muslim cultures, and just one involved non-Muslims on both sides. The author references a New Yo Continue Reading...

Ghana and Its Alchohol Policies

Alcohol in Ghana and South Africa The impact of the economic revival of Africa as a continent and some of the emerging economies, in particular, has created disposable income in the hands of a large section of people. This has enhanced the market an Continue Reading...

Syria An Analysis of the Essay

As this paper has already implied, U.S. policy concerning Syria is only the tip of an iceberg -- as Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad has intimated, and as the PNAC papers and President G.W. Bush himself have blatantly revealed. Yet, the Bush Administra Continue Reading...

Policemen of the World Term Paper

Policemen of the World: By the beginning of the 20th Century, the United States has become the principal force in international relations. As a result of the growth of the country, some people argue that the American military operates as the world's Continue Reading...