596 Search Results for Helping Students With Learning Disabilities

Transition Ed and Services Students Essay

eeoc.gov /facts/ada17.html]. Students can be matched to a job based on information provided by the assessments (e.g., aptitude, strengths). Consideration must also be given to the logistics of a student's employment, including location, work hours, Continue Reading...

Children Learn How to Read at the Essay

children learn how to read at the same pace. However, the parent does have some cause for concern. As Kelly & Campbell (n.d.) points out, "studies indicate that when students get off to a poor start in reading, they rarely catch up," (p. 1). The Continue Reading...

Matrix of Disability Laws Essay

Provide a description of each component below. IDEA 2004 Section 504 ADA Type of Law/Administrative Office/Enforcing Agency The IDEA is a four-phased public law that ensures children with disabilities across the United States have access to Free Appr Continue Reading...

Teaching Students with Disabilities Article

Special education field advisory One of the challenges of special education in the modern, standards-focused environment is the fact that while special education almost by definition demands individualized attention on the part of the teacher, stan Continue Reading...

Child with Disability Term Paper

fifth of all Americans have some type of disability (United States Census Bureau, 2000). Alarming? Yes, however, disabilities do not discriminate and people of all ages, race, and socioeconomic backgrounds can be affected or have a family member wh Continue Reading...

Analyzing Student Data Project

dramatic change in the American public schools' demographics due to the country's immigration peak; the highest in the nation's history. This is happening at a time when American schools are charged with the highest accountability level for students Continue Reading...

Students in the Case Study Case Study

Many of the students at the school are intelligent, but they do not know how to put that intelligence to good use, because no one has ever taught them that they are capable of doing many things that they may want to do. Since this is the case, the Continue Reading...

Causes As Well As the Term Paper

Other techniques like brainstorming and mapping are recommended by Ellis (1997). The other principle which underlies the constructivist approach is a deep focus on main ideas as well as relationships within the key ideas that lie within a given sub Continue Reading...

Empathy Must Be Accorded to the Child, Essay

empathy must be accorded to the child, that teacher helps child master words in ways that are most congruent to the child, that teacher must 'step into the child's shoes' (i.e. go down to his level) in order to help him best, that the child must be Continue Reading...

Family Theories Term Paper

Family Age Students With Learning Disabilities The impact of family motivation on college age students with learning disabilities may be a deciding factor in regard to the student's success or failure. College age students with learning disabilitie Continue Reading...

Communication Disorder Essay

Communications Disorders The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines a learning disability as: "a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or writ Continue Reading...

Special Education Inclusion Term Paper

country's public schools are experiencing dwindling state education budgets and increased unfunded mandates from the federal government, the search for optimal approaches to providing high quality educational services for students with learning disa Continue Reading...

Assistive Technology is Utilized by Essay

With this access, students can independently use the computer to read, write, send and receive e-mail and do research. Another type of low-tech devices for blind children is the note taker. Note takers are moveable Braille tools that include refres Continue Reading...

Special Ed Since the 1990s, Essay

Personal Beliefs Our personal beliefs are that showing educators and parents' specific tactics to use when interacting with special needs students will improve their ability to learn. In the future, this will prepare them for the challenges they w Continue Reading...

Transition from One School, Phase Essay

Faculty to assist with pre-vocational skills training 6. Linkages to specific programs and services 7. General support for student and parents in all aspects of the student's progress Of course, the tasks delineated above can double amongst facul Continue Reading...

At Assistive Technology Term Paper

Assistive Technology in Special Education recent trend in the fields of special education, rehabilitation, and technology is the development and implementation of assistive technology (AT) devices to assist individuals in compensating for disabilitie Continue Reading...