363 Search Results for Holocaust Where Were the Americans

Western Religion Term Paper

Western Religion In his book, "Western Ways of Being Religious," (Kessler, 1999) the author Gary E. Kessler identifies the theological, philosophical and societal ramifications of the evolution of religion in the West. Christianity, Judaism and Isla Continue Reading...

Stalin Anti-Semitism The Era of Term Paper

There is a clear sense that Stalin and other officials had differing views and therefore actions, that depended almost entirely on the needs of the nation, as they perceived them, at the time the decisions were made. Prior to 1948, the Soviet Union Continue Reading...

German Culture Term Paper

Family Heritage -- German Culture My family represents a dichotomous social history that reflects simultaneous identification with and allegiance to two concepts that have a fundamental basis for potential antagonisms. That is because I am of German Continue Reading...

Dr. Karl Brandt Karl Brandt, Essay

Apparently Brandt handled the medical needs of Bruckner well because Hitler made him "…his personal physician" and in time Brandt was given the rank of "major-general in the Waffen-SS" (Spartacus Educational). Brandt helped establish the "Law Continue Reading...

Kurt Vonnegut, Billy Pilgrim and Essay

This author used them to see how Kurt Vonnegut is post-modernist. Barry begins in number one by asking how authors discover postmodernist themes and attitudes. In the observation, postmodernists foreground fiction which might be said to exemplify t Continue Reading...

Hate Crimes Historical Origins of Term Paper

In the case of an extreme situation, such as the death or near death of another, intentionality is a clear indicator of culpability and should be constitutionally supported. The constitution is a litmus of the culture and open violation of the inten Continue Reading...

Origins and Rise of National Term Paper

Nevertheless, in the immediate period, due to the increasing prosperity, the Republican left started to benefit from the people's trust and this was proven as well by the elections in 1928. Moreover, the coalition formed by the German's people Part Continue Reading...

Milgram's Experimental Research Term Paper

Milgram's Seminar Research After the Nazi atrocities, during the Second World War, towards the Jews, many people wondered how people could have been so sadist and committed such behaviors. The Nazi's death camps were where Jews were tortured and kil Continue Reading...

Reparations of Slavery Review of Term Paper

There are approximately 60 million Americans of Irish descent, and most of their ancestors arrived in America as refugees from an Ireland colonized and exploited in the harshest ways by the then-contemporary government of Britain. Should Americans Continue Reading...

Minority Groups in the Media Term Paper

pre-World War II anti-Semitic depiction of European Jews to the depiction of Muslims in Western media today Part of the depiction of European Jews prior to World War Two can be viewed as a subtle manifestation of anti-Semitism, ultimately foreshado Continue Reading...

Buchanan Op-Ed An Analysis of Term Paper

Zionism is even being identified with Christianity, with evangelicals uniting themselves to Israeli interests. Need we remind ourselves that Zionism is a politico-religious belief that is diametrically opposed to Christian values? The post-war propa Continue Reading...

Political Campaign Report Term Paper

Political Campaign Report When beginning these interviews I went in with preconceived notions of who I thought would vote for whom. For example, I assumed that my African-American interviewee would vote for Kerry, as would my Hispanic interviewees. Continue Reading...

Race and Culture Albert Camus, Essay

Certainly this is a key theme in books by diverse authors (Malamud, Tan, etc.). It is the very institutionalization of race that causes it to continue and perpetuate when, quite easily we see that figures such as James Baldwin and others, working in Continue Reading...

Chinese Atrocities in 1939 and Thesis

Over 1,000 Chinese witnesses came forth to testify in the trials which lasted until February of 1947 after the Chinese government posted notices in Nanking regarding the need for credible witnesses, (Chang 1997:170). Unlike the Nuremburg Trials, how Continue Reading...

Jim Jones Jonestown Massacre Term Paper

Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre Book: Suicide Cult by Marshall Kilduff In 1978 the suicide-massacre of 900 people in South America shocked the world as Reverend Jim Jones' cult, named the Peoples Temple. In his book "Suicide Cult," Marshall Ki Continue Reading...

Listening to Everyone's Stories, the Essay

Consequently, the former will attempt to behave toward the latter in view of the prejudices he or she has relating to the particularities present in the latter. Most individuals make use of anti-locution when they put across their discriminatory pri Continue Reading...

Genocide is Considered on an Term Paper

The challenge on traditional culture that is resulted from both external cultural and political influences, as well as internal changes is extremely strong and this is the core of Islamic fundamentalism. Fundamentalism arises as a backlash towards t Continue Reading...

Nazi Youth Term Paper

Nazi Youth Prelude Mein Kompf was regarded as the "Bible" of the Hitlerjugend. On entering the Jungvolk at the age of 10, children took the following oath: In the presence of this blood-banner which represents our Fuehrer I swear to devote all my e Continue Reading...

Cold War Prior to World War II, Term Paper

Cold War Prior to World War II, American foreign policy had been predicted upon isolationism. Afterward, determined to avoid the mistakes of the pre-war period, American leaders embarked upon an unprecedented era of worldwide commitments. This inclu Continue Reading...

Social Impact of Cold War & Terrorism Essay

Social Impact of Cold War & Terrorism The Cold War is often associated with the idea of making great and physical divides between the good and the bad of the world. It was a symbolic representation that extended for about 30 years on the expecta Continue Reading...

Rosie the Riveter "Over 6 Research Paper

But Mary and her husband, living in the Dublin section of Paterson, launched an Italian-language newspaper (the Italian Voice); there were about 42,000 Italians living in Paterson at the time, Burstyn writes. Mary and her husband also started the Co Continue Reading...