236 Search Results for Jesus Christ The New Moses

Bible Hebrews 3:7-17 is a Term Paper

..hat in these last days spoken unto us by his Son...by whom also he made the worlds," thus arguing that Jesus' message is an expansion of the Old Covenant. (Ellingworth, 1993). The Catholic interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews is that it is Continue Reading...

Western Religion Term Paper

Western Religion In his book, "Western Ways of Being Religious," (Kessler, 1999) the author Gary E. Kessler identifies the theological, philosophical and societal ramifications of the evolution of religion in the West. Christianity, Judaism and Isla Continue Reading...

Gospel of Mark Often Regarded Term Paper

Jesus then recruits other disciples, such as James and John, and decides to spread the Word of God to other parts of the region while doing good deeds, like miraculously healing the sick and the blind. As a symbol of his personality, Jesus does not Continue Reading...

Egyptian Influence on Judaism and Thesis

. This was to lead to the inevitable interaction and cross -- cultural pollination between the cultures. Kline states that; " No wonder that such a large number of Egyptian loan words, phrases and intellectual ideas should be preserved in the Old Te Continue Reading...

The Story Line of the Pentateuch Book Review

Waiting for the Land: The Story Line of the Pentateuch is a book by Arie C. Leder that was published in 2010. Primarily, the book aims at analyzing each part of the Pentateuch to identify the bigger picture. Through the book, Leder analyzes all parts Continue Reading...

Dead Sea Scrolls Term Paper

Dead Sea Scrolls According to Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, the Dead Sea Scrolls, since their discovery in the Judaean desert and their arrival at the various institutions that retain them today, have created "a contradiction. . . between the J Continue Reading...

Religion/Israel L. Jones Role of Term Paper

However, prior to the creation of Israel the numbers were much higher (currently approximately 300,000 Palestinian Christians live in the U.S. alone (2004). Interestingly, the Israeli Army does not differentiate between Arab Christians and Arab Musl Continue Reading...

Bible Romans Term Paper

Paul's message in the second half of Chapter 5 seeks to portray to the church in Rome the nature of man's redemption and the sins that lead to the need for such a redemption. It seeks to answer the basic question of how Jesus has changed man's relati Continue Reading...

Judaism and Islam Have Been Term Paper

The Jews do not consider Mohammad (May Peace Be upon Him) to be the Prophet of God. However, the Muslims consider Moses (May Peace Be upon Him) as a Prophet only and not as a Savior. This is because they consider Mohammad (May Peace Be upon Him) to Continue Reading...

Person and the Work of Term Paper

It is this selfsame Holy Spirit that will serve to convict within the unbeliever and to work within that individual until that person comes to the point of opening the inner door for the Christ and then urging the same individual forth into fulfilli Continue Reading...

Judaism, Even Though the Presence Term Paper

(Catholic Home Study Service: Sundays and Holy Days) Hence when a changeover was made from Sabbath to Sunday as the weekly day of worship, the traditional Holy Days began to be neglected, and Christmas and Easter evolved to be the significant festiv Continue Reading...

Can God Be Personal? Term Paper

God Personal Defining "Personal" Between the belief that God is a person and the belief that God is personal which one is essential to Christian faith? My stand is that the belief that God is a person is a hindrance to Christian faith. Interesting Continue Reading...

Hebrew Bible Viewed Through the Term Paper

..formal and temporal purification" and were "under the old law, which provided...for formal, or ritualistic pardon, and restored to human fellowship, sin and transgressions remained, burdening the conscience." (Luther 1483-1546) Therefore, the old l Continue Reading...

Umc Ordination FULL MEMBERSHIP - Term Paper

..if you really want the Christ and truly love him, there is nothing that will prevent his coming and taking up his abode with you provided your love for him manifests..." through loving inner spirit of Christ instead only the outside. One may appear Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Experience of Humanities Essay

Qur'an similar to and different from the Holy Bible? Give examples from each work to illustrate their similarities and differences The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam, the religion established by Muhammad while the Holy Bible is the sacred book of Continue Reading...

Holy Spirit in the Old Thesis

" (Gen. 1:2.) The Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit is seen as the original creative force that creates all life. However, the reference to the Spirit in Gnesis also refers to its distance and potential separation from mankind. In times of sin and wi Continue Reading...

Differentiating Between Religions Essay

Religious Studies The world's spiritual traditions and religious practices have major groupings. However, in these groupings there is no uniformity of practice. Various religions have different culture and ways of practice. This practice began in th Continue Reading...