216 Search Results for Orthodox Judaism

Spread of Christianity and Islam Essay

At first like the Christians, those who practiced Islam (i.e., the Muslims) were persecuted for their beliefs which resulted in Islam failing to spread much beyond the city of Mecca, but as Muhammad gained many converts, Islam began to spread to oth Continue Reading...

Awake My People In His 1866 Poem Essay

Awake My People In his 1866 poem "Awake My People!" author Judah Leib Gordon urges every Jewish man in Russia to "Be a man aboard and a Jew in your tent."[footnoteRef:1] Since the publication of the pome, Gordon's work has been treated with controve Continue Reading...

Representations of Tradition Term Paper

Beauty for Ashes The Yiddish short story "If Not Higher" by I.L. Peretz was published in Warsaw in 1900, decades before the holocaust. Fifty years later, the short supposedly true story of "The Kozshenitser Rebe" was published in Yiddish by Orenshta Continue Reading...

Women As Rabbis The Ordination Term Paper

Conservative Jews use a different prayer book and have somewhat shorter services. Some of the prayers are in English, while in the Orthodox synagogue the entire service is in Hebrew. Reform Jews take a radical approach and declare that revelation i Continue Reading...

Drinking with Younger Jews Dissertation

Parenting Style Influence on Excess Alcohol Intake Among Jewish Youth Ross Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling, College, January, 2008 Clinical Psychology Anticipated; December, 2016 The health hazards that are associated with adolescent Continue Reading...

Nursing and Jewish Faith Term Paper

Nursing and Jewish Faith Currently, about 6 million Jewish reside in the U.S. These Jews might subscribe to the Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform paths of Jewish faith, or they might be secular and non-aligned. Even though devout customs and degrees Continue Reading...

Global Visit -- Impressions of Essay

Naturally, this is a major difference compared to Christianity and Catholicism which regard the New Testament as a more authoritative biblical text. Conservative Jews also observe kashrus, but many of them distinguish between keeping kosher in the Continue Reading...

Beliefs, Concepts, and Elements of Thesis

The Hasidic Jews are extremely pious and their numbers are small around the world. Each of these sects has relatively different views of their faith and values, but they all consider themselves bound as Jews beyond their specific beliefs. It is als Continue Reading...

Applying Servant Leadership Within a Thesis

Furthermore, when groups began people naturally turned to the group leader for direction and advice. It would be accurate to state that most of the relating was to the group leader at that point. However, by exercising linking behavior, I was able Continue Reading...

Enlightened Jews When One Thinks Essay

But the rabbi could also serve as the connection between a Jewish ghetto and the surrounding Christian community. This dual raised status of rabbis made their role the most enviable in the community. But the shifts in French society that occurred in Continue Reading...

Visit to Jewish Temple Research Paper

Description The service I attended was a Shabbat (Sabbath) on the morning of Saturday, June 2 at the Beth Shalom temple. I arrived at 9:50 for the 10AM start. The congregants were dressed with varying degrees of formality, and most arrived in family Continue Reading...

Bar Mitzvah Experience The Bar Thesis

As girls were not allowed to lead religious services -- and still aren't in Orthodox congregations -- the concept of the bat mitzvah is less rotted in religious tradition and ceremony. There were often parties held to celebrate a girls entrance into Continue Reading...

Music and Jewish Worship A Essay

It was on a Friday night, and the room was mainly made up of older individuals, although there were a few single men and some families with children. Many of them seemed to know one another well, and laughed and talked. When they approached me as a Continue Reading...

Jewish Community in Palestine During Thesis

That was a term that was used only later by historians and others that talked about that particular period of time in German history (Kolb, 2004). Those who were involved with the Republic called it the German Reich (Peukert, 1993). From the point o Continue Reading...

Mishnah is a Written Translation Term Paper

The Albeck edition includes an entire volume by Yellin detailing his eclectic method. Two institutes at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have collected major oral archives which hold extensive recordings of Jews chanting the Mishnah using a varie Continue Reading...

John 5:13-21 Passage -- John Research Paper

Gnostics believed that they belonged to the "true church" of an elect few who were worthy; the orthodox Christians would not be saved because they were blind to the truth. Part E -- Content - if we then combine the historical outline of the "reason Continue Reading...