665 Search Results for Patriot Act

Bush Administration Can Be Fully Term Paper

The most worrying aspect in this case is the fact that the Patriot Act seems to be endangering some of the fundamental liberties of the American individual. The motivation seems simple: the country is at war and, in any such conditions, it is allow Continue Reading...

Homeland Security Essay

Homeland Security Questioning the Legality of the Patriot Act The Department of Homeland Security After the September 11 attacks, the United States was, undoubtedly, in a state of fury, sadness, desperation and general turmoil. Our country's iconi Continue Reading...

Understanding the Core Challenges to Essay

This springs from the inherent flaw to the logical and practical underpinnings of the 2001 bill. Its twofold set of assumptions-that safety can only be preserved through the sacrifice of personal liberties and that terrorism is the product of bureau Continue Reading...

Attack in 2001 Was in Term Paper

Such an attitude is part cultural clash and part resp0onse to external events, but it fosters a way of thinking that only leads to more conflict over time. U.S. support for Israel is often cited as the key element in explaining Islamic hatred of Am Continue Reading...

Terrorism and Policy: An Examination Thesis

S.A. PATRIOT Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act reauthorized all expiring provisions of the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act, added dozens of additional safeguards to protect privacy interests and civil liberties, and strengthened port security. (USDOJ, 2008) Continue Reading...

Shoulder? So Who is Reading Essay

" Is the author clear in her objective? I would say she is absolutely certain of what she is talking about. Her intended audience is the average American who has recently been bombarded with threats of intrusion. The average American however is not Continue Reading...

Racism and the Rise of Term Paper

Antiaffirmative action Proposition 209 in 1996 had a similarly divisive effect on the state's population. (Heikkila & Pizarro, 2002, p. 8) The propositions do not welcome immigration, a commonplace occurrence on the official and unofficial leve Continue Reading...

U.S. Government Discuss the 2004 Essay

The Department can then choose to act upon such intelligence by identifying and possibly detaining foreign and domestic individuals who would act violently toward the U.S., and who would seek to compromise the safety and security of the nation. Wit Continue Reading...

Counter Terrorism You Are a Term Paper

Therefore, regardless of their system of manifestation, they are considered by the law suspicious of any possible acts of violence. The government is the highest authority to impose rules and regulations. Despite the fact that there are local gover Continue Reading...

Public Law 107-56 Is Public Research Paper

In practice, the use of various provisions of PL 107-56 did not conform to required protocols, demonstrated the difficulty of ensuring proper adherence to intended safeguards against misuse, and, in fact, included numerous instances where government Continue Reading...

Criminal Procedure Questionnaire

Crime Control/Procedures The term "play in the joints" refers to flexibility within the law that allows for a certain amount of discretion to occur within the prosecution and judge. Even though there is discretion within the manner in which the Judg Continue Reading...

Criminal Procedure Questionnaire

Constitutional Violations Two types of remedies that protect citizens against governmental wrong doing and ensure the projections of the Constitution are the Exclusionary Rule and Defense against Entrapment. The Exclusionary Rule means that any evid Continue Reading...

Liberty in Times of War Essay

Liberty in Times of War Civil liberties are curtailed during wars. In the recent past during the 9/11 attack American and non-American citizens' civil liberties were infringed. Civil liberties are eroded whenever emergency power is exercised. During Continue Reading...

Plato Thoreau and King Term Paper

Plato, Martin Luther King and Henry David Thoreau each had widely differing ideals relating to the government, its necessity and the responsibility of citizens towards this government. These views were all closely related to each philosopher's person Continue Reading...

War on Terror -- Noam Essay

In my opinion, the 'war on terror' like all other wars is irrational and the mainstream media is not playing an objective role in getting the average American involved in the matter. If terrorism as defined in some strict sense does not exist, on w Continue Reading...

Maritime Piracy and Terrorism in Term Paper

This is to note that "Trinidad and Tobago alone account for 80% (1st quarter 2004) of all U.S. LNG imports, up from 68% in 2002. Therefore, any incident involving an LNG tanker along the Caribbean routes could harm not only U.S. energy security but Continue Reading...

Balance Between Emergency Powers Essay

Balance between Emergency Powers, Abuse of Law by the State and Civil Liberties of People within and Beyond the U.S. Within the United States of America especially after the terrorists' attack of 9/11, there seems to be a delicate balance between em Continue Reading...