999 Search Results for Political Philosophers

Philosophy Political Thought Term Paper

Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of Moral Knowledge This paper summarises the philosophical arguments for the existence of moral knowledge, supported by the evidence for the external world contained in the article "Proof of the Objectivity Continue Reading...

American Political Thought Term Paper

right' in the light of Alexis De Tocqueville's book, Democracy in America. The paper further expands on the idea of right as presented by other thinkers including Hegel, Bancroft and most recently Hardt and Negri. Every person is born with an inher Continue Reading...

Cultural and Political Impact of Book Review

How can we respond to their criticism? Both Freud and Marx were attempting to define something that is not quantitative in a quantitative manner. Faith cannot be measured in dynamic terms, nor can it be universally quantified. We might also point o Continue Reading...

Global Economy and Political Spectrum Essay

Since global warming is now a widely accepted scientific theory, many countries realize the need for a remedy to this problem. Global warming is unique, because it potentially affects all nations and all peoples, and in turn, all economies and polit Continue Reading...

Prince is the Political Theorist Term Paper

Knowing the character of the principality the prince had acquired, and tailoring his use of repression and forms of coercion, and the degree, was essential -- a lesson that has proved, one might argue, quite difficult for the United States in its in Continue Reading...

Democracy As a System of Governance Essay

Democracy is the accepted forms of governance of people throughout the world and is divided into direct and indirect democracy. Direct democracy is a system of democracy in which power is placed directly in the hands of people. The strengths of direc Continue Reading...

Intended for Use As a Essay

This is reflected in the document where Jefferson expressly outlines the idea that all men have certain rights and are responsible for their own paths in life (Pilon, 2000). It is a product of its own era, and liberalism was the philosophy that drov Continue Reading...

Problems in Philosophy Term Paper

Philosophy The Greek philosopher Plato's concept of justice in "The Republic" demonstrates his belief in the path towards rationality of the individual and society. In his discourse, he talks about the rational individual as a just individual and is Continue Reading...

Locke "The Natural Liberty of Essay

As for knowledge, Locke believed that "the best and surest way to get clear and distinct knowledge is through examining and judging ideas by themselves" (Locke, 1997, VI: I). The Family -- Locke lived in a time in which the family was patriarchal a Continue Reading...

Machiavelli and Evil The Ideas Essay

46). These ideas are actually in direct contradiction to the prevailing religious philosophies of the time. Machiavelli does not seed men judged by God, or even by other men -- but instead by whether the deed one sought was accomplished or not; and Continue Reading...

Friedrich Engels Term Paper

Friedrich Engels, 1820-1895, was a nineteenth century German political philosopher, who together with his partner Karl Marx, developed communist theory and wrote the Communist Manifesto, 1848 (Friedrich pp). Shocked by the widespread poverty in Manc Continue Reading...

Morality Ethics President Bush Term Paper

morality of the George Bush administration. The writer looks at classic texts to garner a sense of what political morality should be about and then holds the administration of Bush against the measurement to illustrate the lack of morality and the f Continue Reading...

Plato The Failure of Rationalism: Term Paper

and, through the scientific study of modern, cognitive science, the idea that 'I' am doing the thinking in a way that is separate from my body and that this can be rationally deducted, simply by thinking and without scientific experimentation would Continue Reading...

Niccolo Machiavelli Was a Sixteenth Essay

However, to interpret Machiavelli from this angle only would be to view his thoughts myopically. (Viroli, 1998) This is because the other piece of work that Machiavelli wrote at about the same time, the "Discourses on Livy" showed Machiavelli to be Continue Reading...

Straus' on Liberalism Term Paper

Strauss on Moral Relativism The Shifting Sand of Moral Relativism Current political and social thought which is built on the foundation of moral relativism can no more chart a path for a nation to follow out of confusion into an enlightened and ord Continue Reading...

Mill & Karl Marx Comparative Term Paper

Mill talked of ethical freedom in terms of all areas wherein individual and society interacts and become involved with each other; Marx utilized the same viewpoint, although specified it in terms of proletarian-bourgeoisie relations. For Marx, ethi Continue Reading...

Causes of French Revolution Term Paper

French Revolution was the consequence of four interrelated issues. These were France's financial condition, social class tension, inept monarchy, and the Enlightenment. It resulted from the convergence of France's poor economy, social injustice, ine Continue Reading...

Politics of Administrative Law Term Paper

Politics of Administrative Law -- Weinstein, Wilson, and Shamir What is the political philosophy behind America's current state of federal and state administrative regulation? Although in an ideal historical environment, this would be easy to see in Continue Reading...

Vindication of the Rights of Term Paper

In this way, religion was used in an attempt not only to make the proletariat content with their lives of alienation, exploitation and poverty, but also as a way to actually encourage them to want less and to enjoy their low stations in life as a si Continue Reading...

Living Constitutionalism Term Paper

Living Constitutionalism As the leader of the free world, the United States remains in the limelight as the rest of the world keeps a keen eye on how they conduct their affairs. As it appertains to constitutional interpretation, the U.S. has a sound Continue Reading...