999 Search Results for Reflection Journals in Education

Competency-Based Education Term Paper

Competency-Based Education Chambers, D. etal. (1996, I June). "Another look at competency-based education in dietetics." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 96 (6): 614. While this article is focused on the usefulness of competency-based e Continue Reading...

Resiliency in Education is a Article Review

Unlike Downey's article which is a thorough review of the relevant literature that concludes with the author's synthesis of appropriate recommendations that could be implemented in a classroom-based setting, this article by Darlene is mostly a plain Continue Reading...

Hegemony and Education Essay

Hegemony Affects Men and Women Differently in an Online University Environment The caliber of colleges and universities differ from institution to institution as well as from country to country. I have been to some in countries other than the U.S.A Continue Reading...

Personal Learning Plan Reflection Journal

1. Academic Learning and Application By the end of my preceptor-ship (April 7th, 2019), I intend to have developed superior knowledge of the most common complications of spine surgery so as to be able to play an active role in the minimization of com Continue Reading...

Educational Philosophy Reflection Essay

Annotated Reference ListIKristjansson, K. (2014). There is something about Aristotle: the pros and cons ofAristotelianism in contemporary moral education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 48(1), 48-68.This study focuses on how character education Continue Reading...

Literacy Reflection Essay

Self-knowledge is a very important concept in the realm of education and self-improvement. Some of the greatest teachers in history echoed the sentiments of 'know thyself' and the know the universe. But before understanding how self knowledge can hel Continue Reading...

Ethical Goal of Education Research Paper

principals who are equity-oriented, marginalized dynamics may crop up in schools that are changing demographically at a rapid pace (Cooper, 2009). This essay reflects upon how educators may play the role of transformative leaders by way of carrying Continue Reading...

Basics of Nursing Education Essay

nursing program to a BSN program Over the years, promotion of nurses' higher education has been a focus of national reports. One of several reasons for this is growing evidence tying improved performance with continued education. Another factor is Continue Reading...

Character Education Approach Teaching Essay

Case Study: Professional Interview Analysis The individual interviewed for this case study is a 7th grade teacher of history and literature in a public school. He is named Terry X for the purposes of anonymity. He has been a teacher for 5 years. The Continue Reading...

Statistical Education Term Paper

Statistical education trains students in the science of collecting, displaying, analyzing and interpreting numerical data. It is often referred to as "the science of doing science." Students come across statistical ideas in their daily lives. For ex Continue Reading...