155 Search Results for Saudi Arabia the Official Name

International Energy Law Essay

International Energy Law International Energy Arbitration This paper will examine the role of arbitration in the international energy sector over the past 50 years. Discussion is organized around the five decades leading up to the current state of Continue Reading...

Political Expression in Today's World Essay

1. Why is the state considered a central institution in comparative politics? What does state power look like, and where does it come from? Towards what ends do states use their power? Give detailed examples from three country-cases.  The state Continue Reading...

Sport As a Vehicle for Change Term Paper

Social Change Through Women's Sports Promoting Social Change Through Women's Sports Leadership The problems that cry out for social change solutions No one who is intelligent, literate, and who is paying attention could avoid the fact that much of Continue Reading...

Psychology of Terrorism Introduction

Terrorism and the Low Numbers of Practicing Terrorists Horrific acts of terror have plagued this planet for centuries. The contemporary prevalence of such acts has spawned the term 'terrorism' which has been precisely defined by Merriam Webster's N Continue Reading...

U.S. Became Involved in Desert Term Paper

This alliance brought an end to the illusion that the war in the Gulf was for humanitarian purposes and the restoration of democracy, since Assad, who killed 20,000 of his own citizens to quell an uprising in Hama, Syria, was comparatively more dict Continue Reading...

Terrorism Has Become the Bane Term Paper

He had an engineering degree from the university of Swansea in Britain. He too participated in the afghan war and was a friend of Bin laden since the late eighties. He was the emissary of bin laden in Philippines and trained the Muslim fundamentalis Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling Since 9-11 Term Paper

Racial Profiling Since 911 The racial profiling implies the discrimination by police to detail a person as suspect basing on the racial manifestations. In the present days the process of racial profiling has changed to a great extent. (Harris, 58) T Continue Reading...

Violation of Human Rights Term Paper

PADILLA V. RUMSFELD & HAMDI V. RUMSFELD Summary of Padilla v. Rumsfeld Facts of Padilla v. Rumsfeld Summary of Facts Technical History Holding Supreme Court Reasoning Lower Court Reasoning Summary of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld History of Hamdi v. Continue Reading...

Dangerous Mismanagement Research Paper

Intelligence Failures In an ever increasingly complex governmental infrastructure, the importance of communication, mission and strategy are of the utmost importance. The Department of Defense (DOD) and all of its law enforcement agencies are in a p Continue Reading...

Malcolm Martin Luther King Was Term Paper

A few thousand people gathered at the venue that evening, and when Dr. Martin Luther King took up the mike and spoke that he was 'tired' of being discriminated against and segregated all the time and that it was time to start changing. The principl Continue Reading...

Christianity in the Middle East Term Paper

Christianity was born in the Middle East, the religion has become globalized with a relatively sparse and scattered Christian presence in the region today. Currently, Christians suffer from frequent persecution, especially at the hands of terrorist g Continue Reading...

Intifada On December 9, 1987, Term Paper

The geographic distinctions are important, as the Palestinians are divided geographically, with the Gaza Strip separated from the West Bank by the country of Israel, with more Palestinians living within Israel. The Fatah faction of the PLO emerged Continue Reading...

E-Banking on the Banking Industry Term Paper

The growth of Internet has led to a desire to understand the characteristics of the users, their reasons for using the service and what the users do when connected. A huge and expanding 'Internet watching' industry has progressed to provide such dat Continue Reading...

Testing Hypothesis in Chapter Four Essay

Management Strategy to Utilize Meta-Analysis Technique for Nuclear Energy and Waste Disposal and Create Social Sustainability This research proposal explores the link between public perceptions of nuclear power, how those perceptions are formed, an Continue Reading...

Asia Pacific Business Essay

Asia Pacific Business Australia is a large island continent that is located on the south-east of Asia. Covering a total area of 7,617,930 km2 (Australia G., 2012) with a population of 22,876,023 individuals as per the 2012 estimate (Australia), it h Continue Reading...