484 Search Results for Treatment of Rape Victims and

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is Term Paper

While there are approximately 5 million people suffering from the illness at any one time in America, women are twice as likely to develop PTSD as compared to men. In relation to children and teens, more than 40% has endured at least a single trauma Continue Reading...

Tori J. is a 12-year-old Girl Who Essay

Tori J. is a 12-year-old girl who was removed from her family at the age of 8, when she was placed with a foster family. Although her foster mother discussed some episodes of violence and defiance in the home, Tori was not initially violent or defia Continue Reading...

Spanish Atrocities in the New Research Paper

The Spanish Royal Crown officially declared that the only salvation possible for the native populations was to accept their opportunity to adopt Christianity. In fact under a concept known as Requerimiento, the Spaniards were required to give the na Continue Reading...

Sex Crimes Essay

Sex Crimes Sexual crimes have certainly among those that cause the strongest reaction in the population. The feeling of revolt is also generally more intense when discussing issues related to sexual crimes against children. (Pithers and Gray 1998) S Continue Reading...

Domestic Violence, a Real Issue Thesis

The SAFE Act not only protects victims of domestic violence, but also helps them become effective members of the country's economy. Domestic violence also account for about fifteen percent of total crimes committed in the United States. Reports from Continue Reading...

Counseling for Rapists Molesters

Introduction As a future counselor, the area of discomfort with sexuality that would be problematic for me is the issue of child molestation/rape. For me, I regard molestation and rape as equal to murder, because it is such a violation of the person& Continue Reading...

Class Standards Term Paper

CLAS Standards The widespread occurrence of Military Sexual Trauma requires an educational program to eliminate MSTs and deal with the difficulties created by MSTs that have or will occur. Some aspects of the victim, extended family, neighborhood an Continue Reading...

Secrets in the Cellar The Case Study

This makes her angry and she probably tends to isolate the mother. The mother understands the rejection thus becoming angry with the daughter. All communication is interrupted and the relationship is maintained at an artificial level. Returning to Continue Reading...

Torture and Abuse of Gays Term Paper

These responsibilities notwithstanding, the American public was already being conditioned to view the war in Iraq as a battle against extremists, that is, against the Islamist radicals who had threatened the "American" way" of life on September 11, Continue Reading...

Diagnostic Assessment Term Paper

real problems faced by real people in the world, it might seem foolish to analyze a fictitious character. But sometimes it is easier to understand human nature when we look to art or fiction, in part because art provides us with some needed distance Continue Reading...

Chinese Atrocities in 1939 and Thesis

Over 1,000 Chinese witnesses came forth to testify in the trials which lasted until February of 1947 after the Chinese government posted notices in Nanking regarding the need for credible witnesses, (Chang 1997:170). Unlike the Nuremburg Trials, how Continue Reading...

Gender Equity Model Discuss the Term Paper

Moreover, since 1981 "five macro-level comparative tests of the traditional feminist hypothesis that gender inequality is positively associated with rates of rape have been published. Contrary to expectations, they "failed to support the traditiona Continue Reading...

Sexual Abuse of Children is Term Paper

2003). In addition Fergusson, Horwood, and Lynsky (1997) also examined the extent to which exposure to CSA was associated with increased rates of sexual risk-taking behaviors among 520 young women (aged 18) in New Zealand. Retrospective reports of Continue Reading...

9/11 DNA Identification in Mass Term Paper

According to Harlan (2004), "Sample retention is problematic not only because of these individuals' innocence, but also because of the resulting availability of sensitive genetic information and the lack of legislative and jurisprudential protection Continue Reading...

Child Abuse from All Angles Term Paper

The victim is often put into situations where they are physically deprived of the things they need to make appropriate decisions. For instance they may be deprived of sleep or food so that they can be more easily manipulated. Mental abuse may also i Continue Reading...

Privacy Vs. Freedom of Press The Right Essay

Privacy vs. Freedom of Press The right to privacy is more important than the freedom of the press. A great deal of media intrusion is abuse of press freedom by solely aiming to boost circulation by feeding on public interest instead of determining w Continue Reading...

Women's Rights In India Violation Term Paper

But sometimes the victims themselves are afraid to voice their grievances in the public because speaking up entails shame, ostracization, and even extra-judicial killings. The victims can express their grievances in public "only at certain times and Continue Reading...


The study also revealed that 9% of those still in active military service developed psychiatric disorders. It concluded that many of them displayed psychotic symptoms other than flashbacks and dissociative symptoms. These symptoms are essential part Continue Reading...

PTSD Effects in the Military Research Paper

PTSD Effects in the Military The military and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) The Iraq occupation cost the Americans as citizens and as a government more than was foreseen hence brought more harm than immediate good to the U.S.A. As a nation. Continue Reading...

Self-Esteem in Children I Am Thesis

Abstract for Gause, Simpson & Biggs (2009): "Within the United States, schools offer many opportunities for developing obesity-prevention strategies" (Paxson, Donahue, Orleans, & Grisso, 2006, pg. 9). Many programs are offered in the schoo Continue Reading...

Warriors This is One of the Few Essay

Warriors This is one of the few instances I can recall in which the film was more enjoyable than the book. Both media portray the subject identically in some respects: this is the fictional account of a New Zealand family decimated by alienation fr Continue Reading...