229 Search Results for Utilitarianism and Deontology

VIRTUE ETHICS' Refers to the Term Paper

The question here arises, why did we have to return to ancient philosophy of virtue ethics? But interestingly while a great deal of credit is given to Aristotle and Plato, the modern moral philosophers such as Anscombe, Foot, Murdoch, Slote had men Continue Reading...

Euthanasia is One of Those Research Paper

The philosophy for example recognizes that more than one person is involved in the euthanasia process. The person in most physical distress is the one afflicted with illness and requiring euthanasia as a solution. What deontology does not recognize Continue Reading...

Moral and Ethical Dilemma in Research Paper

At the same time, optimized care is mandated by the medical code of ethics. If older people are therefore sufficiently able to function independently, access to care should be available to them, because this is their preference, and professionals ha Continue Reading...

Ethical Theories Ethics is an Essay

These are ethics that know no cultural bounds. What is perceived as ethical in one society as well as any other is an example of a natural law. These are typically based on the human desire for equality as well as the desire to do good ("What is Nat Continue Reading...

Ethical Decisions Term Paper

Ethical Decision Making In general, there are three major ethical approaches to decision-making: that of consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Ethical dilemmas arise when there is a conflict of values or when it is impossible to satisfy Continue Reading...

Personal Ethics in Workplace Thesis

Because so many mortgage companies and lending institutions pass of the debts represented by their loans to third parties, there is little incentive to ensure that borrowers actually qualify for loans based on their income and credit history the wa Continue Reading...

Justification for Torture Essay

Torture: Often Morally Justifiable Given the events of the last ten-year, most notably U.S. Military techniques in Abu Graib, the subject of torture is ever a popular one and ever controversial. For the purposes of this paper, torture will be define Continue Reading...

Nursing Philosophy Essay

nursing profession has debated the relevance of nursing models to nursing practice and it is clear that most nurses, particularly practicing nurses, continue to judge them to be not relevant" (Meehan, 2012, p. 2906). I disagree and believe firmly in Continue Reading...

Is Torture Morally Acceptable Essay

Torture: Is It Morally Acceptable? Part 1: Introduction Is torture morally acceptable? In the U.S., arguments have been made both for and against the use of torture in fighting terrorism. Enhanced interrogation technique is a term that has been suppl Continue Reading...

Personal Ethics Theory Essay

Personal Ethics Theory For me, the concept of utilitarianism is the most compelling ethical philosophy. When we think about society, we think about what is best for the many, and/or does the means to the end matter more than the end results. This is Continue Reading...