415 Search Results for healthcare home for veterans

Johnny Comes Marching Home In Article Review

Overall, the writers really capture what is perhaps best defined as disillusionment. The men who returned home were drastically altered men -- quite literally. They returned home to parades, but when the parades ended, there they were with their ph Continue Reading...

Managed Care Term Paper

Nursing Tasks, Methods, And Expectations State of the Industry The Art and Science of Nursing Relative Pay Scales Male Nursing Roles Sex Stereotypes The Influence of the Nationalized Healthcare Debate Proposed Methods toward Recruiting Nurses Continue Reading...

Nursing Home Problems There Many Term Paper

..significantly below the maximum of $3,000 per day" (and more like $300 to $350). And fourth, in about 22% of the cases where nursing homes were in serious violation of regulations - and causing harm to their patients - "there was no record" of san Continue Reading...

Paper Veterans Sociology Analysis

SOCIOLOGY Sociology: Analysis Paper- VeteransThe following critical analysis is the selected article Examination of Veterans Fathers; Parenting and their Adolescent Childrens Substance Use in the United States. The article discusses substance use amo Continue Reading...

Homeless Veterans Essay

VA & Homeless Vets There is not a shortage of public issues that tend to pull at the heartstrings of many people. Whether it be poverty, abuse or neglect of children or people being homeless or otherwise desperate, it would seem that there is no Continue Reading...

Why Did Augustine Convert? Case Study

VA and Medical Care One key factor to be taken into account, while evaluating the healthcare structure of the United States (U.S.) Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), is the number of veterans actually availing themselves of VA medical services. Ov Continue Reading...

Organizational Assessment Plan Term Paper

Organizational Assessment as Impetus for Change at a Vet Center Organizational Assessment as an Impetus for Change at a Vet Center Organizational Context. Every type of organization has, or should have, as a major goal, the need to optimize the pro Continue Reading...

Military Retirees Are Entitled to Thesis

First of all only a scant few of these Veterans groups will acknowledge the "promise" of free health care; for the most part these groups will tout the benefits already promised by the Veterans Administration and assert that cuts in these benefits Continue Reading...

Homelessness in the Unites States Term Paper

This is exacerbated by the "...growing gap between wage earnings and the cost of housing in the United States which leaves millions of families and individuals unable to make ends meet." (Homelessness in the United States) Low Incomes and minimum wa Continue Reading...

The VA History and Issues Essay

Veteran's Affairs According to VA.gov (2016), the Department of Veteran's Affairs has its roots in a policy passed in 1636 when soldiers at the Plymouth Colony who had fought on the war with the Pequot Indians were granted support by the colony. Aft Continue Reading...

Current Policy on Veteran Homelessness Essay

Current Policy The Obama Administration had pledged to end veteran homelessness, an interesting pledge given the myriad of complex reasons why people become homeless. But they were able to make progress towards that objective. The White House announ Continue Reading...

Nursing Family Health Assessments Essay

Family Health Assessment of the Allen Williams Family Nurses are frequently called upon to conduct family health assessments in order to develop wellness and family nursing diagnoses that can be used to improve family relationships and coping skills Continue Reading...