998 Search Results for Nursing Problems

Nursing- Creating Change in an Term Paper

The conflict was among two other staff members and myself. One large and strong staff member wanted to enter the room, take the tongue depressor away from the patient, and physically remove him from the examination room. Another staff member wanted Continue Reading...

Nursing Associations The Benefits of Essay

In the emergency room, this distinction can have a determinant impact on the ability of the staff to preserve life and diminish pain and suffering. The introduction of a bioethical perspective into this dialogue invokes a question as to the primacy Continue Reading...

Nurse Practitioner R.N. From R.N. Term Paper

115). It seems many nurses or RN who prepare for the role of nurse practitioner are not fully informed of the demands that may be placed on them in their new role. This in turn may lead to job dissatisfaction later down the line and ultimately limit Continue Reading...

Nursing Changes in Nursing Discuss Essay

In what ways did the wave of the nursing shortage in the 1980's and in 2000 support or constrain theoretical thinking? Why? Are there ways to influence the cycle of shortage and theoretical thinking? Identify one nursing theorist that would support Continue Reading...

Nursing Critical Care Nursing and Term Paper

The final question (g) of having adequate resource availability in terms of familial and financial aid I was unable to assess. I was curious if the medications she would have to take would be a burden in terms of costs, administration, or confusion Continue Reading...

Nursing I Want to Be Research Proposal

Nurses are rarely alone and assistance is usually right outside but if someone falls, has a seizure, or requires me to move them immediately, I should be able to handle it. Nurses also do a lot of walking on shift so I should be able to walk around Continue Reading...

Nursing Shortage Effect on Industry Essay

Nursing leadership is a much debated and much talked about subject when it comes to the broader paradigm of nursing and its practice. When speaking about nursing leadership, the author has been asked to focus on a specific subtopic of nursing such as Continue Reading...

Nurse Practitioner: Nursing Research Paper

Nursing: Nurse Practitioner The advanced practice nurse is a graduate with a master's or doctorate degree in nursing, certified to guide others in using the nursing process to maximize the community's health outcomes (Smith & Rose, 2011). These Continue Reading...

Nurse Self-Care Nurses, As Primary Essay

739, p=0.009, e?=0.727). This study clearly highlighted that sleep shortage and work fatigue poses a threat to patient safety and that nurse self-care is warranted.[Dorrian et.al, (2006)] Nurse Support Services An earlier Australian study by Moore Continue Reading...

Nurse Study Review Essay

Nurse Study Review Vahey et al. (2004) research indicated the importance of investigating the role of environment and clinical situation for both nurse performance and patient satisfaction. This study is a quantitative approach to investigating thes Continue Reading...

Nursing Ethics The End of Term Paper

This is more complicated by the prevalence of other mental disorders like dementia and drug induced mood swings. Nurses need to be well trained in pattern recognition and logical assessment of the condition and take suitable action to solve these pr Continue Reading...

Nursing Concepts and Research Essay

Nursing Workforce Issues and Concerns The article, "Nursing Workforce Issues and Trends Affecting Emergency Departments" by Robinson and colleagues (2004) looks at the range of contemporary issues which directly impact the quality of care which is r Continue Reading...

Nursing Theory Theories Behind Nursing Essay

Ruland and Moore's (1998) work on Peaceful End of Life Theory is similar in many aspects to the Theory of Caring. Both are middle range theories which are like seeds that are expected to grow into a more general understanding. Both of these theorie Continue Reading...