147 Search Results for Solar Energy as a Way to Save the Environment

Brazil Biofuel This Work Will Term Paper

The economy may be strong in some areas but weak in others as the fuel industry seeks to deprive the culture of traditional food bearing crops, in exchange for fuel bearing ones, and decreases the biodiversity of the nation in the process. "... with Continue Reading...

Green Marketing Over the Last Term Paper

She also mentions the huge energy giant British Petroleum (BP) came up with some honest and effective marketing in its green promotions. And while it is laudable for an oil company to invest in green technologies, BP did it with "appropriate humili Continue Reading...

Alternative Fuels THE KEY to Term Paper

" All of this experimentation eventually led to new alternative fuel technologies which in today's world is one of the fastest growing commercial industries, due to the ever-rising need for coal and oil and the continuing rise in oil prices which are Continue Reading...

Green Computing Essay

Green IT Fundamentals on Business Performances and the Environmental Sustainability Green computing is an approach that organizations employ in enhancing environmental friendly and reducing the cost of business operations. In other words, green com Continue Reading...

LG Supply Chain & Sustainability Essay

On one of its website, LG has a process map showing its certification process. The mapping starts with a request for examination for the certification process. The plan to examine the technology performance is assessed, the plant and the relevant v Continue Reading...

Building Engineering Services Term Paper

Buckingham Palace -- Heating Engineering Structure Buckingham Palace - Heating Structure The average temperatures of the groundwater systems are primarily maintained at the recorded depths of 10-15m under the ground surface (this is estimated at th Continue Reading...

Hybrid Cars Foreign Market Analysis Thesis

Works Cited Europe's hybrid and electric passenger vehicles. (2009, July 27). The Auto Channel. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2009/07/28/472014.html Honda's cumulative world-wide hybrid sales pass 300,000 in Janu Continue Reading...

Analyzing Loss of Biodiversity Essay

Loss of Biodiversity Biodiversity Loss and Mitigation This essay will discuss the environmental citizenship concept and the different theoretical debates in the context of loss of biodiversity as well as its mitigation: In our society, the life of Continue Reading...

Positive Effects of CSR Research Paper

Corporate social responsibility and business ethics have become the focus of an increasing amount of attention from the business sector and academicians following the scandal-ridden era of Enron and others during the 1990s. Although the findings from Continue Reading...