999 Search Results for Criminal Profiling

Racial Profiling in Airports Term Paper

Racial profiling in airports [...] how terrorist attacks in America call for increasing racial profiling in airports, similar to Israel's El Al Airlines racial profiling tactics. Racial profiling is a highly controversial topic, but some countries h Continue Reading...

Police and Racial Profiling Term Paper

Police and Racial Profiling Racial profiling, the practice by law enforcement of targeting people for police and security stops based on their race or ethnicity, has become a topic of concern and debate across the country. Many refer to this practic Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling Just This Past Term Paper

Detroit has also joined Los Angeles and Chicago in having such a regulation. A similar bill was attempted unsuccessfully thus far in Texas (2001). Responding to the concerns of organizations that represent Hispanics, Muslims and individuals of Arab Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling, The War on Term Paper

New Jersey held hearings concerning racial profiling in which one state police investigator testified that 94% of the motorists stopped were minorities (Anderson Pp). Not only were minorities more likely to be stopped than whites, but more often th Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling Term Paper

In addition the author suggests that the relationship between police and racial minority citizens has throughout history been controversial, and argues that racial profiling is simply a method by which police agents can perpetuate discrimination an Continue Reading...

Racial Profiling: To What End? By John Essay

Racial Profiling: To What End?" By John P. Crank attempts to reason upon the race debate concerning racial profiling. He attempts to focus on broad implications that police policy has on society. It seems to concentrate on whether or not policy is r Continue Reading...

Social-Media-and-Criminal Essay

Human Resource Organization Behavior and Leadership As the hiring component of a business, HR has a responsibility to represent the best interests of that business while also representing the values and commitment to society that the organization pr Continue Reading...

Juvenile Criminal Justice System

juvenile crime," the United States continues to promote policies that channel adolescent offenders into the adult justice system ("Juvenile Justice," 2014). The PBS production When Kids Get Life examines the ramifications of trying minors as adults Continue Reading...

Female Serial Killers Term Paper

Female Serial Killers Investigate criminal profiling used by the F.B.I. Of female serial killers and provide law enforcement with information on identifying them. While it is a fact that a male serial killer would commit murders based on sex, in ot Continue Reading...

Diverse Policing DQ Essay

Diverse Policing Criminal Profiling While this opinion might be considered unpopular, the reality is that these repetitive stops are reasonable. These repetitive stops represent a phenomenon known as criminal profiling. Criminal profiling is done s Continue Reading...

Diversity Issues Draft Research Paper

Gender and Culture in Criminal Justice and Capital Punishment: A Regional, National and International Comparison Comparing the rates of crime and punishment in the United States as a whole to various individual regions and states, and to other count Continue Reading...

Ted Bundy: A LOST RESOURCE Term Paper

Meg Anders, who uses the alias of Elizabeth Kendall in her book entitled The Phantom Prince, provides an insider's look at Bundy's nature, the face he showed to the world and the occasional private tears he shed in her presence. Other books, such as Continue Reading...