176 Search Results for Cultural Influences and Psycho Social Needs

Nursing is a Rewarding, but Research Paper

The Neuman Model is appropriate for senior care. Studies necessary with other models. Penrod, et.al.; Reframing Person Centered Care for Persons with Dementia Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2007 Lit. Review, discussion Lit. Review Continue Reading...

Telling Lies by Paul Ekman Term Paper

Lies Paul Ekman is the Professor of Psychology at University of California, San Francisco. This book distills 15 years of scientific study of nonverbal communication and the clues to deception. Mr. Ekman, a pioneer in emotions research and nonverba Continue Reading...

Minor Child Sexual Assault Case Study

The case In this particular case study, the client is a 15-year-old minor. She has suffered neglect and abuse and has lived with toxic parents and guardians for a while. As of today, she has had residence in 8 separate communities. Her problems start Continue Reading...

Post World War I Era Term Paper

Post World War I era: Freud and Ortega y Gasset The outbreak of World War I was a traumatic and disillusioning event for many people in Europe, perhaps most of all for those who had committed themselves to a notion of progress and advancement in hum Continue Reading...

Professional in Psychology Essay

Sigmund Freud and Jean Martin Charcot Psychology refers to the applied and academic discipline that includes the scientific study of behaviors and mental functions. Anyone who has studied psychology has the immediate understanding groups and individ Continue Reading...