261 Search Results for Electronic Health Records EHR Electronic

Medical Reconciliation Research Paper

Nursing Describe briefly your topic of interest (15 possible points): According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2013), medical reconciliation is "the process of comparing a patient's medication orders to all of the med Continue Reading...

HITECH Act and Meaningful Use Research Paper

If a breach occurs a healthcare organization would have to send out first-class letters to any patients who might have been affected by the breach. Electronic mail can be used if the individual agrees to receive electronic notice and such agreement Continue Reading...

Evaluating Hospital Infrastructure Essay

Infrastructure in An Inpatient Care System at A Hospital We will focus on data management which is the administrative process that involves acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing of the data received by an organization. This is ma Continue Reading...

Clinical Experience Term Paper

Clinical Experience Sunrise Clinical System Version 6.1 The Emergency Room: Hybrid System Meetings and Collaborative Care Councils Workflow of the EMR The KBC ( Knowledge Bas Charting) 3.4 Upgrade 6 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist Compreh Continue Reading...

Risk Assessment and Analysis Term Paper

Risk Analysis and the Security Survey The following risk analysis and security survey report will be centered on the hospital as an organization. Vulnerabilities can be classified as crime opportunities, opportunities for breaking rules and regulati Continue Reading...

Blood-Pressure-and-Technology Essay

Technology in Medicine: Distant Medical Surveillance Technology for Diabetics in the Less Developed Area of Texas An estimated 26 million Americans live with diabetes. When not properly treated, diabetes could be fatal as it occupies the seventh po Continue Reading...

Data Management Systems Research Paper

Practice Fusion Strategic Planning Document: A Plan for Conversion, Integration, and Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in a Residential Care Facility Description of Institute The objective of this study is to examine the implement Continue Reading...

ONC State HIE Program Essay

ONC programs have been created to ensure certain areas within healthcare, progress. A main issue plaguing American healthcare is the electronic health record transition. One ONC program, State HIE, was created to help solve this problem. This program Continue Reading...

Acquisition Solutions Research Paper

Description of the ProblemThe problem is the inefficiency, complex, and time consuming nature of paper medical records that are used to document patient information. The Patient Admission Department obtains personal information from patients, which i Continue Reading...

Meaningful Use of Data Research Paper

program has the potential to revolutionize the way the healthcare industry on many fronts and has implications for nurses, nursing, national health policy, patient outcomes, and population health associated with the collection and use of Meaningful Continue Reading...

Do Not Resuscitate Orders Term Paper

Deontology and DNR: Addressing the Issue Introduction Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders are an issue for a number of care providers in hospitals, especially those who work within the context of hematology and oncology care. As Weissman (1999) notes, DN Continue Reading...

Legislation Review Matrix Research Paper

Healthcare Legislation Healthcare Information Systems Legislation Since 2000 Health information technology has become a topic of discussion for healthcare organizations, professionals, and lawmakers in recent years as the government consigns tax do Continue Reading...

Future of Health Care Delivery Case Study

Because consumers are administering their bank accounts, investments, and purchases online, and many turn to the web for gathering information about medical conditions and will expect the same level of control to be extended to online medical inform Continue Reading...

Nurse Shadowing The Author of Term Paper

Next, the amount of legal and ethical hoops that electronic health records must jump through is substantial and no doubt overwhelming to someone who is new to it. With the advent of laws like HIPAA and even general ethical concerns that are not tec Continue Reading...