412 Search Results for Solar and Wind Power

Canada In His Book Tar Term Paper

This way, we will guarantee our energy future over the long run, rather than just the short run that our current policies promote. Rural policy is another area that needs a re-think.. At present, rural areas are given preferential treatment in the Continue Reading...

Why We Should Use Nuclear Energy Term Paper

Nuclear Energy Ever since an Italian physicist, Enrico Fermi succeeded in producing the first nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago in December of 1942 the usefulness and the drawbacks of nuclear energy have been debated all over the Continue Reading...

High Gas Prices on the Term Paper

The former might be, 'What specific...' [while] Less structure might be exemplified by: "Please respond to the following in your own words: I....'" (Dereshiwsky, 1999) in addition: adding some open-ended items such as these to a more traditionally Continue Reading...

Revolution in U.S. By Thomas Thesis

What autos a society depends on says a lot about that society too, and the gas-guzzling SUVs and pickups that have made up the backbone of American transportation indicate our indifference to global problems, including the problems the country is cr Continue Reading...

Party's Over: Oil, War and Term Paper

I think that people think what they do does not make a difference. However, if enough people do it, then it could make a difference, and make people more aware of alternatives at the same time. I feel the current political policies, for the most pa Continue Reading...

Alternative Fuels Energy Policy Today Essay

Right now, the most obvious need in the world economy is in alternative fuels. While the enemies of progress -- a loose coalition of oil industry interests, corrupt politicians and science-denying religious fundamentalists -- thwart attempts by gov Continue Reading...

Testing Hypothesis in Chapter Four Essay

Management Strategy to Utilize Meta-Analysis Technique for Nuclear Energy and Waste Disposal and Create Social Sustainability This research proposal explores the link between public perceptions of nuclear power, how those perceptions are formed, an Continue Reading...

First Second Laws Thermodynamics Essay

The first law of thermodynamics is mainly concerned with energy conservation and it states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. However, energy can be converted from one form to another. The total amount of energy entering into a system must b Continue Reading...

The Case Against Nuclear Energy Essay

Nuclear Energy The modern world has been characterized with several environmental issues in the recent past including natural resource depletion, climate change, pollution, and overpopulation. However, climate change has attracted significant atten Continue Reading...

Microgeneration Essay

Empowering Sustainability The Rising Impact of Microgeneration on Energy and Climate Microgeneration, the small-scale production of electricity or heat from a renewable or low-carbon source, represents a paradigm shift in how individuals, communitie Continue Reading...

Risk Crisis Disaster Management Essay

Risk Crisis Disaster Management Managing the problems related to global warming is quite different than responding to a damaging earthquake albeit both strategies require careful planning and coordination. This paper points to the contrasts between Continue Reading...

Sustainable Management Essay

Accounting Sustainable Management The organization's emphasis towards the sustainability is increasing as a response to the scarcity of natural resources and the negative effects on environment by means of ecological hazards. Therefore, the organiza Continue Reading...

Exxon Mobil Was Founded 125 Thesis

Additionally the company is increasingly concerned with meeting the energy needs of people and organizations throughout the world ("Company Profile"). To this end Exxon Mobil is committed to "exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas; Continue Reading...