357 Search Results for Wildlife Conservation Issues

Riparian Buffer Management Term Paper

Riparian Buffer Management Current Knowledge and Standards Most bodies of water, both running and standing, have a flood plain known as a riparian area. Whether the waterway is a large river or a small, intermittent creek, the water directly affect Continue Reading...

Salt Creek Tiger Beetle -- Essay

This is certainly one of the main points of contention, not just with this project, but with all endangered species decisions in which property rights are diminished. Meantime, Twenty-nine percent of the potential impact of designating "critical ha Continue Reading...

Marine Pollution The Ocean Covers Term Paper

S. has jurisdiction. The dumping specifically of biodegradable plastics into the sea in these navigable waters and in offshore areas less than 25 nautical miles from the nearest land is strictly forbidden. Metals, bottles, crockery and similar garbag Continue Reading...

Interest Groups Term Paper

African Wildlife Federation: Function, Purpose, and Methods When most people think of "special interest groups," they immediately call to mind their negative connotations -- sneaky, manipulative, perhaps "buying off" politicians I order to further Continue Reading...

Public Policy Tourism Public Policy Essay

" (CRT, p. 1) According to the U.S. Department of State, Costa Rica has been a Constitutional Democracy since 1949, which makes it the oldest and most stable democracy in all of Latin America. Its partnerships with the global community are therefore Continue Reading...

Environmental Themes Term Paper

Environmental Themes in Grapes of Wrath This essay reviews environmental themes from the following five books: Dust Bowl by Donald Worster, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Everglades: River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Killing Mr. Wa Continue Reading...

Animal Rights Mammals Term Paper

Animal Rights Introduction to the ESA According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law (1996) the Endangered Species Act (ESA) obligated the government to protect all animal and plant life threatened with extinction. Included in this category are e Continue Reading...

Fracking Policy Analysis Essay

1. Executive summary While the extraction of natural gas by means of hydraulic fracturing is a decade- long practice, of late, it has witnessed immense development owing to advancements in the area of horizontal drilling which enables gas and oil op Continue Reading...

Deforestation Amazon Research Paper

Deforestation in the AmazonOutlineI. The problema. Amazon is one of the world\\\'s most important ecosystems, home to an estimated 10% of the world\\\'s biodiversity. However, the Amazon is under threat from deforestationb. This problem impacts the A Continue Reading...

NRA Uses Propaganda to Promote Term Paper

The National Park Service (NPS, 2008) explains that "Numerous scientific studies have reached a consensus: lead poisoning is the biggest threat facing the successful recovery of the California condor." The NPS asserts that "More than 500 scientific Continue Reading...

Butterfly Farming Term Paper

butterfly farming among Tanzanian villagers in the vicinity of Amani town. Butterfly farming has been examined by many researchers as a means of sustainable income in many regions of Africa. Butterfly farming consists of breeding butterflies as a me Continue Reading...

Environment As Stakeholder Term Paper

Drilling in the Alaskan Wilderness, the primary ethical issue is environmental, putting petroleum production development against preservation in Section 1002 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. Secondary ethical issues relate to Continue Reading...

Museum Methods Term Paper

Museum Methods museum is usually a non-profit organization with intent to provide education and enlightenment by the organized collection, preservation, interpretation and exhibit of items deemed to be of interest to the public or community. Historic Continue Reading...

Ben & Jerry The Concept of Unit Case Study

Ben & Jerry The concept of unit pricing relates to the price per unit of a good. Often, companies like to convey the impression that buying a larger size saves the consumer money, but unit pricing allows the consumer to see whether or not this i Continue Reading...

Los Angeles Department of Water Term Paper

The establishment of the MWD right after the aqueduct was approved is another milestone, because the MWD administers the water even today, and regulates how much water goes to each of its member water districts. The final milestone in the Colorado Continue Reading...

Sacramento Basin The Project is Term Paper

The Delta is also a habitat for many species of fish, birds, mammals, and plants, and it supports agricultural and recreational activities while also being the focal point for water distribution throughout the State. The development of the Delta as Continue Reading...

Internal P. Loading in Shallow Term Paper

This study demonstrates that different total P. fraction releases may differ between two bodies of water under similar oxygen conditions (Kisand & Noges, 2003). This study is important in that it highlights the complexity of understanding P. fra Continue Reading...

Emergency Managers Climate Risk Essay

Climate change is a hoax [invented by China]. – President Donald J. Trump, July 2019 The epigraph above underscores the fundamental differences that exist between members of the scientific community and many leading policymakers today. Even as Continue Reading...

Wildland Recreation There is an Term Paper

He also mentions how the lack of fire has affected whitebark pine, a species that supports a variety of high mountain flora and fauna, and attributes this to the fact that there is not sufficient fire to eradicate competing species. H.E. McLean, wr Continue Reading...

Edition of the Globe and Research Proposal

We have seen in the past how such agreements are put aside by governments, especially in the United States, in those instances where the natural resources become the focus of business. However, the agreement does return to the aboriginals the hope Continue Reading...

Tourism Attraction Ethics Term Paper

Tourism Attraction Ethics Extensive international travel even amidst the growing incidence of terrorism, accidents and disease give rise to various types of ethical concerns, which are normally not taken, into consideration by the present day touris Continue Reading...

Mackenzie Valley Region Research Paper

Mackenzie Valley Region The River Mackenzie measures up to around one thousand, one hundred and twenty miles that is equivalent to almost eighteen hundred kilometers of length. It originates from Canada, more specifically the Great Slave Lake in Nor Continue Reading...

El Inca Peruvian Restaurant Business Plan

Business Plan: El Inka Peruvian Restaurant in Kerrville El Inka Peruvian Restaurant in Kerrville will aim at maximizing its favorable geographical location. Kerrville is approximated to an hour drive from San Antonio in relation to the Kerrville Cou Continue Reading...