1000 Search Results for literary work

Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Research Proposal

The first comes with the name of the main character, Oedipa, a play on the famous Oedipus. Part of Oedipus's destiny is related to his capacity to solve several mysteries, which is also what Oedipa has to do. Some of the names the author uses are si Continue Reading...

Feminism and Virginia Woolf Term Paper

Virginia Woolf and Her Works as Mediums of Feminism Virginia Woolf was among the rare writers who have put their talents and ideologies into writings, particularly as a patron of equality to women. Considered as one of the founders of feminism, ther Continue Reading...

Tme Capsule Essay

Virtual Time Capsule of 2012 Letter of Introduction Dear Citizens of 3012: Greetings from the Good People of 2012! Congratulations -- You Made It! A thousand years is a long time in the scope of humanity and we hope this message finds someone to Continue Reading...

Prejudice If You Walk in to a Essay

Prejudice If you walk in to a bookstore or browse online you will find hundreds, in fact thousands, of essays, books, articles, and speeches about prejudice. Obviously, most of them are against prejudice and before you begin reading any of them, le Continue Reading...

Poe Communicator Edgar Allan Poe's Essay

Another Poe classic short story entitled the Tell Tale Heart also displayed his unique way of gaining the attention of the reader by use of dark and gloomy descriptions. This story is about going mad and losing one's mind. Poe may have really exper Continue Reading...

Eye Opening Experience The Rime Term Paper

Apart from taking an authoritative role in the Symposium, many people consider her to be behind the doubts of her existence. She passes her wisdom to Socrates who in turn passes it to his many friends. She distinguishes the difference that existed b Continue Reading...

Multi Ethnic Literature Term Paper

Multi-Ethnic Literature The focus of this work is to examine multi-ethnic literature and focus on treating humans like farm animals that can be manipulated for various purposes. Multi-Ethnic literature offers a glimpse into the lives of the various Continue Reading...

Conflict The Theme of Freedom Essay

The choice cannot be repudiated or duplicated, but one makes the choice without foreknowledge, almost as if blindly. After making the selection, the traveler in Frost's poem says, "Yet knowing how way leads on to way/I doubted if I should ever come Continue Reading...

Ancient Near East The Story Term Paper

At the same time, the presentation of his work, the lives of the community in which he lived and the way in which he succeeded in forming a family must be relevant for the actual depiction of the historical background, the environment, and the custo Continue Reading...

Arthur Miller the Crucible Term Paper

Intolerance to Difference: Social Realities and Norms in the Crucible, The Guest, And the Old Chief Mshlanga Human societies have, throughout the years, established norms, values, and artifacts that are collectively agreed-upon by its members. The c Continue Reading...

Ethics and the Law Term Paper

Ethics and the Law It is morally acceptable for the law to require people to do things for their own self-development? "Political theory is a branch of moral philosophy, which starts from the discovery, or application, of moral notions in the spher Continue Reading...

Human Behavior Explored in the Thesis

The characters of God, Stan, and Jesus are also significant in this epic and because they are considered valuable in their roles in the poem, we can assume that Milton found similar value with these characters in life itself. Through these character Continue Reading...

Outliers: The Story of Success is a Essay

Outliers: The Story of Success" is a non-fiction literary work written by Malcolm Gladwell in 2008. In this book, Gladwell has explained the underlying reasons for the success of certain very famous individuals. He has called such people "outliers," Continue Reading...

Graham Greene The Power and Term Paper

This was however, not the view held by the Catholic Church in their view of the novel. The view of the Catholic Church, was that "the latter element" -- that is, human wretchedness -- had appeared "to carry the day" in a way that did injury "to cert Continue Reading...

Stages of Grief in Books Research Paper

Grieving in Literary Works Wolterstorff is able to find joy after his loss in more than one way. Specifically, the author was actually able to transition through the various stages of grieving as outlined by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Those stages inclu Continue Reading...

Roles of Women Figures in Thesis

Either as mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, mistresses, lovers or supernatural creatures, women populate the world of the Odyssey and bring thus an important source of information when it comes to finding parallels between their representations in Continue Reading...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Term Paper

With this connotation, Rowling is showing how our lives and geniuses can take on new adventures after our deaths through texts. Quote 2 Blake "The community is not given; it is made by the abilities and activities of all its members -- by the inco Continue Reading...

Self Being Defined by Others Essay

Racism and Society -- Literature Response Race and Identity as Functions of Societal Labeling and Expectations Two pieces of 20th century literature exemplify the alienation felt by African-Americans in the United States. One of those works, author Continue Reading...

Jean Watson Nursing Theory Research Paper

Jean Watson Analysis of Nursing Theory Jean Watson is one of the reputable contributors in the contemporary nursing field. She is rather well-known for her work namely, Theory of Human Caring. Other than this eminent theory, she has presented vario Continue Reading...