999 Search Results for Children's Literature

Study About Child Development Article Review

deduce the effects of parenting on the process of coping for a child, as parents take divorces or get separated. The data sample includes children aged between 9 to 12 years. These effects are being reviewed by studying the changes induced by interv Continue Reading...

Parental Violence Toward Children Term Paper

killing of a child in real life has no symbolic meaning, no power other than that of an expression of evil and is, therefore, one of the worst acts a human, let alone a parent, can commit. In literature, however, the killing of children is symbolic Continue Reading...

Born Bad? William Golding's Lord Thesis

There are no shortcuts" 50). On Golding's island, the nature of animal is based on a primal urge for survival; on Christie's the crimes reveal some of the true base or seamy sides of humanity. "The world, that understandable and lawful world, was s Continue Reading...

Dudley Randall: A Poet's Poet Thesis

"Ballad in Birmingham" expresses this sentiment eloquently. Love can also be something intimate that only two people can share. In addition, an artist must love his or her work in order to be successful. Dudley Randall is a poet's poet. His work il Continue Reading...

Angelou's Book "I Know Why the Caged Essay

Angelou's book "I Know why the Caged Bird Sings' was written, according to its author, to serve as a certain purpose and this purpose can be glimpsed in its language. As the poet and critic Opla Moore (1999) remarked, the Caged Bird was intended to d Continue Reading...

Pornography and Children Term Paper

Pornography & Children There is considerable research evidence that pornography, especially child pornography, results in adversely affecting the psychological development of children, with far reaching consequences in terms of their ability to Continue Reading...

Creation in Ovid's Metamorphoses Essay

Ovid, Metamorphoses Ovid's Metamorphoses begins by promising to describe the way in which bodies change into new forms, but immediately follows into a primal myth of the creation of the world. Indeed, the poem as a whole is seemingly obsessed with m Continue Reading...

Disgust in "My Papa's Waltz" Essay

And the phrase "I hung on like death" that denotes a child's fear of falling or tension. To the child "such waltzing was not easy." The phrase, too, "you beat time on my head" tells us something of the child's height, as well as the father's strengt Continue Reading...

Nabokov's Pnin When One Mentions Essay

What is interesting is that Wind appears to believe that he is acting in an ethical manner by informing Pnin of their plot, rather than surprising him with it when they reach America. Wind also seems to think that he is being generous and ethical by Continue Reading...

Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt Essay

Forbes writes from a perspective of literary theory heavily influenced by Judith Butler's postmodern analysis of identity as 'performance.' McCourt "the adult author, reflective, witty, older, wiser, and entirely in charge of the text, [is] the one Continue Reading...

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is Essay

JULIET Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet. British actor, director and playwright Robert Rawles went one step further and use Continue Reading...