1000 Search Results for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper

Medical Marijuana Legislation and Civil Liberties When the historic passage of legislation permitting medical marijuana use in states like Arizona (2010), Delaware (2011) and Massachusetts (2012) is considered in conjunction with the fact that 13 ot Continue Reading...

Balance Between Emergency Powers Essay

Balance between Emergency Powers, Abuse of Law by the State and Civil Liberties of People within and Beyond the U.S. Within the United States of America especially after the terrorists' attack of 9/11, there seems to be a delicate balance between em Continue Reading...

Habeas Corpus and War on Terror For Essay

Habeas Corpus and War on Terror For many people in the United States, habeas corpus is the foundation stone of the country's legal system. The concept is the principal constitutional check on subjective government power by allowing an arrested indiv Continue Reading...

Ethical Decision Making in Law Essay

For example, virtually every element of heightened security measures necessitates a corresponding reduction in certain kinds of liberties that American citizens have come to expect in a free society. Both concerns represent rights: it is right to im Continue Reading...

US Obligation to Privacy Essay

Privacy & Civil Liberties needs to communicate goals to the American public that include protecting the nation against threats to national security, ensuring the safety of citizens, friends, allies, and nations with cooperative relationships (Cl Continue Reading...

Banning Soda There is No Real Argument Essay

Banning Soda There is no real argument in favor of soda; it adds absolutely nothing positive to anyone's daily dietary intake. In fact, it is said to contribute heavily to obesity, diabetes, heart disease tooth decay, and other serious health issues Continue Reading...

Guns on Campus Term Paper

Guns The recent school shooting in Oakland, California draws attention to the importance of the issue of guns on college campuses. A ban on carrying concealed weapons on college campuses is problematic for several reasons. One, it violates state law Continue Reading...

Sociology and Adult Education Research Paper

Sociology and Adult Education Adult Education Many believe that vessel education and training that that the very foundation of success. A strong educational background can help any individual branch into new opportunities, where individual goals an Continue Reading...

Habeas Corpus and the War Essay

Thus, the CSRT was an ineffective "dummy" review tribunal that sought to reinforce the current status of detainees in the Guantanamo detention camp -- denied to have a review of their case, and denied of any right to be tried by a court for their ca Continue Reading...

Madison's Role in Trying to Term Paper

In fact, during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Slonim notes that the need for a bill of rights was not even a topic of discussion until Virginian delegate George Mason raised the issue just several days before the Convention was scheduled to ri Continue Reading...

Patriot Act Term Paper

Patriot Act In response to the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, Congress passed the U.S.A. Patriot Act, an act that gives federal officials more authority to track and intercept communications, for both law enforcement and fore Continue Reading...

U.S. Patriot Act How the Term Paper

Through experience, the FBI has acquired insights into the fact that there are no dividing lines distinguishing foreign intelligence, terrorist and criminal activities. Foreign intelligence, terrorism, and criminal organizations and activities are i Continue Reading...

War on Terrorism Vs. The Bill of Term Paper

War on Terrorism vs. The Bill of Rights Conveniently capitalizing on the fear of another terrorist attack, the United States Department of Defense and other branches of the federal government have erected a series of security measures since Septembe Continue Reading...

USA Patriot Act The United Thesis

However the disclaimers of USA Patriot Act agree on the necessity of protecting the nation and the world against terrorism, they also emphasize on the need to further analyze and change the act so that it does protect the individual liberties of th Continue Reading...

United States Trade Policy With Term Paper

Farmers are stated to have become "risk takers, created new markets, developed rural industries and migrated to urban areas. Farmers were no longer slaves to the state..." (1996) Dorn notes the statement of Jianying Zha (1994:202) in the book "Chin Continue Reading...

Supreme Court Decisions The Nature Essay

For example, he voted to require that schools utilize resources to support religions activities if they designate resources to non-religious activities (Board of Education. v. Mergens, 1990). Further, Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) called for vouch Continue Reading...

1776 Rebels Term Paper

prompting Americans to rebel in 1776: Parliamentary taxation, restriction of civil liberties, British military measures, and the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas. Americans rebelled against British rule for a number of reasons, and s Continue Reading...

Terrorism and Individual Freedoms Essay

Terrorism Suppression and Freedom The aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks was characterized with the establishment of various measures and initiatives towards war on terrorism. As the government has constantly enhanced its war on terrorism efforts, Continue Reading...