998 Search Results for Use of force by Police

Policing and Using the SARA Model Case Study

SARA Model The Scanning Analysis Response Assessment (SARA) Model of problem-oriented policing is an effective guide that essentially takes the form of "action research" in the sense that police participate in the problem-identifying/problem-solvin Continue Reading...

Use of Realism Term Paper

Realism in an American, Fictional story of Detection -- Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest So, a realist style, you say? How to convey a sense of realism? Use short sentences. Terse dialogue. Deploy words that are direct in their meaning. Don't be sting Continue Reading...

Building a Police Department Research Paper

police dept. Proposal for City Police Department (State of Florida) The objective of this proposal is to establish a Police Department, Macomb Police Department and employ the number of personnel needed to deliver professional and competent police Continue Reading...

Future of Policing Law Enforcement Essay

Policing needs to change, especially has it has failed to live up to its potential in improving quality of life for all citizens. The ideal police force is indeed one that prevents crime, keeps order, respects the rights and dignity of citizens, is f Continue Reading...

Deceptive Techniques Used by Cops Term Paper

Police Deception is an integral part of the police arsenal during interrogation. The tactics and techniques of deception have been finely honed, and continue to improve to allow for effective interrogation and information retrieval. Within the frame Continue Reading...

Black Perspective Term Paper

Racial Profiling: Driving While Black For years, the Black community believed that Black Americans were routinely and disproportionately stopped by police officers while driving in their cars. Statistical evidence now supports the anecdotal evidenc Continue Reading...

The Prison System and Litigation

Susan P. Sturm titled: "The Legacy and Future of Corrections Litigation" details the importance of litigation to correctional reform, the correctional and legal landscape within the Prelitigation era, and the impact of litigation on the management a Continue Reading...

Community Policing and Justice Essay

.....justice' transcends the scope of a majority of arguments. A discourse on its many connotations offers dynamic players on opposite sides of law enforcement lines a peaceful way to promote fairness via exchanges and interface. The requisite in Continue Reading...

Roles in an Investigation Term Paper

Police Psychologist Roles in an Investigation In this kind of investigation whereby the police psychologist is investigating the homicide of a high profile member of the community, the police psychologist plays several roles. One is that he or she Continue Reading...

Learning Police Ethics Term Paper

Philosophy Police Ethics Learning Police Ethics Learning police ethics and responsible behavior on the job are important functions of a police professional's duty. By definition, police officers have sworn to protect and serve the community. Howeve Continue Reading...

Boston Police Strike Was One Term Paper

For example, the police response to Occupy movement was widely viewed as disproportional and unnecessarily violent, and it is precisely leftist movements like Occupy that the police would need in order for a strike to be successful. However, even i Continue Reading...

Criminal Justice - Police: Police Term Paper

Gerber (2001) studied 75 precincts of New York City and 154 police teams to determine whether male and female police officers appeared to have different personality traits because male officers typically have a higher status than do women in America Continue Reading...

Roles of a Police Psychologist in an Essay

Roles of a Police Psychologist in an Investigation The following paper describes the roles played by a police psychologist in an investigation of a situation in which a former police officer has been killed. The police force constantly takes risks t Continue Reading...

1950s Police Operations in the Essay

S. Supreme Court's decisions in Escobedo v. Illinois (Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964) and Miranda v. Arizona (Miranda v. Arizona, 1966). These two cases dramatically altered how police treated criminal defendants subsequent to their arrests and forced po Continue Reading...

Community Policing Research Paper

Community Policing Efficacy The Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act of 1994 heralded the beginning of a massive effort to reform policing strategies in the United States, in part through implementation of community-policing programs at t Continue Reading...

Roles & Duties of Police Term Paper

By devoting resources towards the prevention of crime, Anacortes authorities therefore help to ensure that the community remains relatively free from crimes in the first place. Crime fighter Unfortunately, despite these best efforts, no community Continue Reading...