509 Search Results for Fiction Films

Truman Capote The Life, the Term Paper

I had to go into town on Saturdays to the dentist and I joined the Sunshine Club that was organized by the Mobile Press Register." He goes on to tell about entering a work of writing on the children's page publication, which he had called "Old Mr. B Continue Reading...

Gender Studies and Feminism Term Paper

Art Abjection of the Body & Cyborg Jewelry Design The examples of jewelry located and examined for the purposes of this paper align with the definitions and ideas of the authors that contextualize the conversation. (Refinery 29, 2012) Notice ho Continue Reading...

Alchemist by Paolo Coelho is Essay

In this sense, the story is subscribed to the science fiction type, without however being an actual science fiction novel. In general terms, SF novels focus on "some imaginary time or place. In its original usage in the 1920s, science fiction referr Continue Reading...

Scarlet At the Time It Essay

Sherlock Holmes is presently associated with a deerstalker hat, a pipe and a magnifying glass, but few people know that the first description of the character has nothing to do with these items (with the exception of the magnifying glass, which he Continue Reading...

Violence in the Media: Tricking the Viewers

Attraction to Violence in the Media Violence on Films and in Television Filmmakers Technique to Grab the Audience Violence Made to Swindle the Viewers Making Violence Funny Health Concerns It is clear that one of the worthy changes in the socia Continue Reading...

Kubrick Impacts Essay

Full Metal Kubrick In the years following the Vietnam War, from 1979 -1989, many movies were created to depict this event from an American point-of-View. The genre of war movies, became inundated with new films based on this violent conflict. The pu Continue Reading...

Horror Film And Gender Roles Research Paper

" Mimic, however, is to Jones the beginning of horror's conscious assessment of the ideology that spawned the horror in the first place: [Mimic] is neither campy, nor self-conscious. It is a classic creepy film in the tradition of Them!,…and b Continue Reading...

Fight Club Term Paper

Fight Club" and the creation of a false urban masculinity in cinematic and real life One of the most interesting aspects of the narrative art is seen in the unpredictable ways in which individuals are apt to embrace filmic narration and cinematic n Continue Reading...

Dystopia The Idea of the Term Paper

The actions of these collective groups lead only to frustration, a lack of responsibility, ineptitude, and inefficiency. What sort of world does this lead to? The people who are most capable seem to be disappearing, while the least capable are left Continue Reading...

James Fenimore Cooper The Life Term Paper

According to Mctiernan (1997), "James Fenimore Cooper's the Spy is interesting precisely because no genre had yet hardened around spying when he wrote it. Cooper relies instead on the conventions of other genres -- primarily, the domestic romance an Continue Reading...

Espionage Study Guide Essay

Espionage Burds, Chapter 19 Golden Age of Soviet "Illegals" Cambridge Five: Burgess, Blunt, Maclean, Philby and Cairncross These five were all discovered to be spying for the Soviets. Cairncross was never caught. He supplied Stalin with secrets Continue Reading...

Slaughterhouse Five the Novel and Essay

The critic called Vonnegut "overrated at best" and goes on to say, "Like many inferior novelists, he films better than he reads" (33). On the other hand Peter Reed talks of the novel's depiction of many "grim" and "downright painful" scenes sliced Continue Reading...

Ghosts of the Past The Term Paper

Although the events and characters' reactions to them have their differences in the interest of plot variety, similarities between the cases far outweigh the differences. Not only are the events that Nel and Crowe experience and their reactions to Continue Reading...

Music Film Scoring Success Term Paper

Part One For better or for worse, “interest in being a film composer is at an all time high,” (Kendall, n.d., p. 4). The only way to succeed in a competitive environment like the music and film industry is through the cultivation of psych Continue Reading...

Music Film Scoring Success Term Paper

Part One For better or for worse, “interest in being a film composer is at an all time high,” (Kendall, n.d., p. 4). The only way to succeed in a competitive environment like the music and film industry is through the cultivation of psych Continue Reading...

Film-Festival-and-Women Research Proposal

justification for this focus? The festival will, via thirty gender sensitivity- and female empowerment- focused movies, attempt at fostering social reform and altering gender stereotypes. It will be able to provide a platform for training women, ad Continue Reading...

Elements of Design Film Review

Film Clip Analysis of Inglourious Basterds Quentin Tarantino is best known for his ultraviolent and bloody films. Through his unique writing, directing, and editing style, Tarantino has been able to create a cinematic canon that is distinguishable f Continue Reading...

Tim Burton - Movie Director Term Paper

Amazingly, all of the movies mentioned above ranked in the top ten at the box office. Batman was the most financially lucrative with a number one box-office rating and a total gross of just over $251 million followed by Batman Returns with a number Continue Reading...

Martin Guerre Identity Theft in Term Paper

By doing so, she is willing to provide an answer to a question that some historians would say is unanswerable, namely -- how could Bertrande be so deceived, and what would be her motivations in keeping up such a ruse? Davis suggests that her motivat Continue Reading...

Beat Generation the Beats Term Paper

beat generation are several strong principles, the most notable is associated with the founder, Jack Kerouac and his definition of the generation as a whole. The road" has been a powerful metaphor for freedom from the constraints of ordinary life, Continue Reading...