228 Search Results for Advantages of the Social Cognitive Theory in the Classroom

Cognitive Bias May Exist in Thesis

If the student has a tendency to make errors based on cognitive conditions the correction of those conditions should probably take place as early as possible in the student's life. A recent study on cognitive development found that "cognitive develo Continue Reading...

Nurse Educational Theory How to Term Paper

Bruner's main points suggest that adult learning is an active process and that adult learners actively "construct" knowledge by "relating incoming information to a previously acquired psychological frame of reference" (Shermis & Bigge, 136). Pa Continue Reading...

Aaker (1991, P13) It is Literature Review

It is argued that teacher are exposed to role conflict, role ambiguity, lack of autonomy, social isolation and lack of self-fulfillment resulting from the special position in the schools bureaucratic system. Coupled with this is the general tendency Continue Reading...

Intelligence Learning Memory Cognition Essay

Emotions affect how memories are processed, stored, and retrieved, which also impacts how learning takes place. Perhaps more importantly, emotions impact cognitive processes and learning. Neuroscience shows the ways thoughts are processed depends on Continue Reading...

Cognition and Learning Essay

Increasing of skills and knowledge and even knowledge of the society cannot be possible without social interactions. That is the basis of the social cognitive theory as it brings together attitudinal and cognitive effects. The major forms of continuo Continue Reading...

Teachers and the Modern Classroom Thesis

In extreme cases this could afford a method of imparting knowledge where formerly there were none. (Mac Arthur, 248) Thus it is evident that the modern teacher cannot be away from the influence of technology and it is time that teachers are technic Continue Reading...

Russell Barkley's Theory of ADHD Essay

ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects between two and ten percent of children, which is why it is important for all educators to understand (Barkley, 1998). The disorder is technically incurable, but it is manageable. Barkley Continue Reading...

Observation in Classroom Application Essay

Teacher Responsibilities Observed Lowe, and Motely plan for the Unit 1 Poetry Segment Through observation it has become apparent that the Ms. Lowe has numerous responsibilities throughout the day. She was often planning lessons, teaching students i Continue Reading...