717 Search Results for Death Penalty the Argument Against

Death Penalty Essay

The United States is one of the few industrialized, democratic nations in the world which still permits capital punishment on a state-by-state basis. Not all states have the death penalty but executions are still carried out in the United States and Continue Reading...

Death Penalty The Argument Against Essay

Adam Bedau and Paul G. Cassell (2004) reference the cost of the death penalty in the State of Texas, which is also a state with the highest numbers of executions under the death penalty. Bedau and Cassell cite information that says the initial trial Continue Reading...

Death Penalty As a Deterrent Term Paper

In contrast, other data, compiled by state and federal agencies within the last twenty years, failed "to demonstrate any deterrent value to the death penalty" and according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, "when states with the death Continue Reading...

Death Penalty Capital Punishment Term Paper

Death Penalty: Social Attitudes and Modern Alternatives The issue of the death penalty raises deep emotions on all sides of the debate. Many feel that the death penalty no longer holds value as a tool for society to prevent heinous crimes. In the pa Continue Reading...

Death Penalty Term Paper

Death Penalty is the most severe forms of punishment that can be accorded to a criminal who has committed a crime and deserves to be punished. The brief history of death penalty shows that this is nothing new, because it was something that was practi Continue Reading...

Philosophy The Death Penalty The Term Paper

For a punishment to be fair and equal, it should be implemented in every case, but as the author notes, each case is different, the circumstances and the way they are tried is different, and so, there are irregularities in the way the punishment is Continue Reading...

Death Penalty As Retribution Research Paper

Death Penalty as Retribution The Retributive Nature of the Death Penalty The peaceful fabric of society is torn whenever a crime is committed. In the case of murder, the suffering of the victim's loved ones can be unbearable and last for a lifetime Continue Reading...

Capital Punishment The Use of Term Paper

It is important to note that though the victim's family also does suffer, the accused could be somebody's mother, father, spouse or even best friend. In such a case, it becomes hard for many to come to terms with death as a form of punishment for a Continue Reading...

Death Penalty One of the Research Paper

As such, it is unlikely to change in light of knowledge or information about the death penalty and its administration" (Vollum & Buffington-Vollum, p. 30). Furthermore, "those who scored higher on value-expressive attitudes were less accepting o Continue Reading...

Death Penalty, Also Known As Research Paper

Opponents also provide evidence that the death penalty is unjust. Data show that death row prisoners are disproportionately low income, minority, and under-represented by the legal system. Thus, we many wonder if those who can't afford the best law Continue Reading...

Death Penalty is One of Thesis

It would seem that many criminals would find this more amusing than frightening. They do not take their chances of being caught and subjected to capital punishment seriously enough to be frightened by the penalty like many assume they will be (van d Continue Reading...

Death Penalty: Pros and Cons Essay

It violates the right to life...It is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. There can never be any justification for torture or for cruel treatment" (White, n.d., pg. 1). In addition to the argument that it is a denial of human righ Continue Reading...

Death Penalty & Race in Term Paper

" This article puts forward the notion that when analyzing the "...relationships between minority groups and mainstream populations," the issue of whether the use of "formal control is applied fairly and consistently between these different groups" Continue Reading...

Death Penalty is a Subject Term Paper

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that people convicted of crimes should not be subject to excessive bail or fines, and that authorities may not inflict 'cruel and unusual punishments' (Eighth Pp). Ratified in 1791 as pa Continue Reading...

Death Penalty Few Issues in Thesis

All arguments against the death penalty appear doubly applicable to women so convicted; those already victimized by their circumstances and relationships are further victimized by a justice system that is supposed to help them, while the guilty are Continue Reading...