69 Search Results for Exegesis of Hebrews One of

Exegesis of Hebrews One of Term Paper

Unless the author's typological approach is appreciated, the interpreter may wrongly assume that the author is making literal statements about the salvation-historical significance of Christ. The fact that Hebrews was originally written in Greek do Continue Reading...

Hebrews 12:1-3 An Exegesis of Term Paper

Barclay goes on to identify the Christian inspiration (Christ Himself), the handicap (the effects of Original Sin), and the means for perseverance (Barclay references the word "hupomone," which is another way of saying "the patience which masters" t Continue Reading...

Exegesis of Hosea 11: 1-11 Term Paper

The people of the kingdom, seeing nothing wrong with this, built their own altars throughout the land. Baal and Ashteroth were worshiped openly, sanctified by King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel. Sacred prostitutes were part of this new idolatry. It was Continue Reading...

Exegesis Luke 12:16-21 The Parable Essay

A parable: an earthly story with a heavenly meaning Blue Letter Bible. "Dictionary and Word Search for parabol? (Blue Letter Bible. "Dictionary and Word Search for parabol? ) Stacy reports that in the pseudepigraphical document known as the Book of Continue Reading...

Exegesis of Chapter 18 of Term Paper

The term conversion would be etymologically closer (Blenkinsopp 84) By the charge of acting without principle (verses 25 and 29), the Israelites accused God of punishing the innocent along with the guilty. Implicit in his rejection of the charge is Continue Reading...

Exegesis on Ecclesiastes - Chapter Essay

7I bought male and female slaves, and had slaves who were born in my house; I also had great possessions of herds and flocks, more than any who had been before me in Jerusalem. 8I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings an Continue Reading...

Exegesis The Gospels of Mark, Term Paper

Jesus warns not just Peter but all of "them" about not boasting about the messiah in Mark, Matthew, and Luke too. Jesus's warning comes immediately after the miraculous healing of the blind man (Mark 8:30; Matthew 16:20; Luke 9:21). Interestingly, Continue Reading...

Exegesis Gospel of Mark: Background Essay

Jesus was aware that he was a subversive power. Matthew does omit the part about Jesus needing to go into hiding. This suggests that the author had less of a need to emphasize the theme of persecution than Mark did. Mark makes sure this story is tol Continue Reading...

Exegesis of Psalm 1 Research Paper

Exegesis of Psalm 1:1-6 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 Continue Reading...

Exegesis of the Book of Research Paper

6). For the early Christians, the Holy Spirit was experienced as a real power in their lives . The Holy Spirit empowered them to continue the work of Jesus. When a person received the Holy Spirit, they experienced a difference in their lives -- an Continue Reading...

Matthew 7:21-23 An Exegesis of Essay

Theological Analysis What does this passage say about the relationship with God? Robert Imperato observes that "Matthew connects Jesus repeatedly to Jewish prophecy throughout the text" (17). The point he emphasizes, however, is that the Jews had Continue Reading...

John 15 An Exegesis of John 15:1-27 Essay

John 15 An Exegesis of John 15:1-27 John 15:1-27 recounts Christ's last words to His disciples the night before His execution on Calvary. Beginning with His identification of Himself with the "true vine" and ending His exhortation that His disciple Continue Reading...

Ezekiel 4 Exegesis of Ezekiel Term Paper

164-72). Though this dramatization is rather simple, it is still quite deeply meaningful and profound, according to Block; the depiction of Jerusalem that Ezekiel is commanded to draw on the tablet, his rigidly controlled dietary intake, and the lyi Continue Reading...

Psalm 91 Exegesis Essay

Psalm 91 Exegesis of Psalm 91:1 Hayes and Holladay (2007) state that exegetical works are an exercise in "leading" readers of Scripture, in the sense that they act as interpretive signposts designed to assist readers in comprehending the Word of Go Continue Reading...

Daniel 9 24 27 Research Paper

Daniel 9:24-27 An Exegesis of Daniel 9:24-27 Various approaches to Daniel 9:24-27 reveal a Biblical prophecy that divides Biblical scholars upon the matter of exact meaning. The most common understanding from the days of early Christianity to moder Continue Reading...

William Foxwell Albright Research Paper

William F. Albright A Study of W.F. Albright and How Biblical Archeology Helped Shape His Worldview William Foxwell Albright was first and foremost a believer in the religion of Christianity, a fact that greatly influenced his role as a Biblical a Continue Reading...

Judaism Early Jewish Thought -- Term Paper

In the centuries just before and after the turn of the common era, the Jewish people pored over their sacred texts with a single-minded intensity, seeking in them not only a history of their ancestors and the glories of days gone by bur a corpus of Continue Reading...

James 2: 8-11 Prior to Examining the Essay

James 2: 8-11 Prior to examining the meaning of the text in James 2: 8-11, it is necessary for one to gain an astute understanding of the specific words employed within this passage. Doing so will add substantial value to an explication and exegesi Continue Reading...

First Epistle of John Research Paper

Main Idea and Outline 1 John 5:13-21: John concludes his letter with a few parting thoughts on the faith of the believers and the confidence they should have in God, as well as encouragement to avoid sin and idolatry, pray for sinners, and flee the Continue Reading...

Bible for All Its Worth Book Review

" This point-of-view makes sense. Stuart and Fee have already suggested that the point of Biblical interpretation is not to look for a novel or unique interpretation, but to really try to understand the point of the passages being studied. Therefore Continue Reading...

Isaiah 57 Can Be Divided Thesis

In verse 13, God directly challenges the false Gods to save the Israelites. God tells them that their idols will do them no good and that he can and will destroy them. God also reiterates his promise to the righteous that he will keep them safe and Continue Reading...