147 Search Results for Gender Issues in Prison Women Now Represent

Gender Roles in the Chinese Term Paper

Americans judged the Chinese according to the own ideals and customs. This distorted the American view of China was that it was much like the United States in many ways (Jesperson, 1996, p. 8). When China came under communist control, Americans made Continue Reading...

Women's and Gender Studies Research Paper

Women and Gender Studies Of all the technologies and cultural phenomena human beings have created, language, and particularly writing, is arguably the most powerful, because it is the means by which all human experience is expressed and ordered. As Continue Reading...

Women in Jails Women in Research Paper

Not only was it cost effective but the study also reported that offenders who were treated in the community setting were 43% less likely to reoffend compared to the prison population clearly suggesting the effectiveness of community-based sentences. Continue Reading...

Ethical Issues Conflicts of Interest Essay

Ethical Issues Conflicts of Interest Conflict of interest emerges when an inividual in power uses their position to exploit situations to their advantage. For instance, if a law firm attempted representing the same couple in a divorce case (Legal Dic Continue Reading...

Women at Five State Prison Term Paper

5%, compared to 4.8% for males). (Chesney-Lind, 1998, p. 66) The author also re-confirms the fact that data regarding of female inmate's indicate that as cited the passage of increased penalties for drug offenses has certainly been a major factor in Continue Reading...

Violence Women Violence Against Women: Essay

Indeed, this explains why it is necessary to achieve a more open discourse on the implications of violence with specific and tangible reference to women and how they are impacted. Proper psychological profiling of those with aggressive tendencies t Continue Reading...

Loss (Read P. 305) Leaving Essay

" The differences in these two lines seem to be only a matter of syntax but in actuality, it also differs in the meaning. The King James Bible version makes it seem like the Lord is making the individual do something, as if by force or obligation, wh Continue Reading...

Code of Ethics As Applicable Term Paper

allabouttruth.org/moral-ethics.htm).In addition, almost 50% of the surveyed adults said they base their moral decisions on whatever will bring them the most pleasing or satisfying results (Moral Ethics, at (http://www.allabouttruth.org/moral-ethics.h Continue Reading...

Fall to Spring's Sprouting: The Term Paper

The Aeneid Taking a character from The Iliad and setting him on his own journey, the Roman Virgil's epic The Aeneid necessarily contains certain parallels with the earlier Greek text. The overall story of this lengthy poem in and of itself reflect Continue Reading...

Addiction Requiem for a Dream: Essay

Even though Aronofsky speaks of art and artists relatively more often, I would say, than other young directors, there is a strong idea that nature still grounds art, in contrast to the illusions and hallucinations of artifice. In Selby's novel, Mari Continue Reading...

Abortion A Landmark U.S. Supreme Term Paper

Virginity Origin of the Topic The most common origin of virginity is derived from Christianity. Christianity teaches that sex before marriage is wrong. Sex should only occur between a man and a woman who are married. Sex outside of marriage is co Continue Reading...

Torture and Abuse of Gays Term Paper

These responsibilities notwithstanding, the American public was already being conditioned to view the war in Iraq as a battle against extremists, that is, against the Islamist radicals who had threatened the "American" way" of life on September 11, Continue Reading...

Gay in Turkey Has a Essay

If they repent and mend their ways, then let them be, and there is no mention of the punishment and the negativity is not so strong and in other cases of deviant behavior from the religion which result in death." To understand the propensities of t Continue Reading...