58 Search Results for How God Led the Israelites Into the Promised Land

Christianity in a Way That Term Paper

Once his word is accepted as truth, he promises eternal salvation, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die," (John 11:25-26). Despite believing in Continue Reading...

What is a Family God Essay

family god mean? In my opinion, I believe that a family god should always take care of the family as well as their lineal descendants without ever breaking away from them. Also, being a family god, I think the god also has to love this family, and Continue Reading...

Religion -- Books of the Old and Essay

Religion -- Books of the Old and New Testaments The Bible contains many types of genres, themes, events and characters illustrating the seeds of Christianity in the Old Testament and the Old Testament's fulfillment by Jesus and the young Christian C Continue Reading...

Deuteronomy 7:1-11 The Fifth Book Thesis

This again stresses that God's love has nothing to do with Israel's attractiveness and everything to do with God's grace. "Kept the oath" (v. 8). God's love is faithful. We should not be surprised that God chose Israel in its weakness. This is exac Continue Reading...

Isaiah 57 Can Be Divided Thesis

In verse 13, God directly challenges the false Gods to save the Israelites. God tells them that their idols will do them no good and that he can and will destroy them. God also reiterates his promise to the righteous that he will keep them safe and Continue Reading...

Moses -- a Flawed Character Term Paper

In addition, Moses' flaws give the Bible a little more drama and excitement. For example, readers would expect that Moses -- a great leader -- would have an automatic invitation to the Promised Land (Fox, 1995). However, Moses was barred from enter Continue Reading...

Exodus 1-14. This Will Include Essay

A strong leader in the mold of Sadaam Hussein, he fought a life and death struggle with the Hittite leader Muwatalli II at Kadesh in Syria in 1274 B.C.E.. While the battle resulted in a draw, it was just barely so and resulted in a peace treaty betw Continue Reading...

Jesus Christ: The New Moses Term Paper

Furthermore it is with Isaiah that one first becomes acquainted with the idea that the Messiah would die. "And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mo Continue Reading...

Exodus 13 and 14: Exegetical Analysis Essay

Exegetical Analysis: Exodus 13:1-14:31 In the first fifteen chapters of the book of Exodus, "Yahweh is seen as beginning to fulfill the patriarchal promise by means of redeeming Abraham's seed out of Egypt" (Beale, 1984, p. 130). The divine name YHW Continue Reading...

Temple- Its Ministry and Services Term Paper

An additional type of offering was the peace-offering, which represented a feast where God was a guest and the host. Peace offerings were accompanied by meat and drink offerings. For all offerings, repentance was necessary. In chapter seven, Edersh Continue Reading...

Ancient-Egypt-and-Egypt Essay

Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: I Samuel The book of 1 Samuel is largely considered as one of the historical books and Deutronomistic writings that attempt to display the history of Israelites as well as showing how the Laws of God were exp Continue Reading...

History of Israel Author John Term Paper

" (This statement appears to fly in the face of his detailed emphasis on trying to be terribly thorough at other times throughout the book; and his seeming editorial neurosis creates doubts in the minds of the reader as to precisely how consistent an Continue Reading...

Pessimism in Poetry Pessimism in Term Paper

" The point made by the poet is similar to the poem above. The reference to John, The Father of our souls, shall be, John tells us, doth not yet appear; is a reference to the Book of Revelations, at the end of the Bible. That despite the promises Continue Reading...

Exegesis of Hosea 11: 1-11 Term Paper

The people of the kingdom, seeing nothing wrong with this, built their own altars throughout the land. Baal and Ashteroth were worshiped openly, sanctified by King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel. Sacred prostitutes were part of this new idolatry. It was Continue Reading...

Race and Class in U.S. Essay

In other case the motive was rooted first in ideological assumption -- and that assumption was that WASP superiority was a given. The issue of race and class finally came to a head as America continued its expansion westward. But the issue was poli Continue Reading...