489 Search Results for Hybrid Car

Hybrid Cars Research Paper

Hybrid Cars From an individualistic perspective, hybrid cars may not make a great difference for consumers wishing to buy them to save money on gas. However, collectively hybrid cars can help reduce environmental problems. Government must take steps Continue Reading...

Hybrid Car The Pros and Term Paper

Cons of Owning Hybrid Cars: There are several cons to owning a hybrid car and they include the following: Lack of freeway cruising speeds in the majority of the hybrid models. The engines are not designed for consistently high speeds over 80 mph Continue Reading...

Hybrid Cars Foreign Market Analysis Thesis

Works Cited Europe's hybrid and electric passenger vehicles. (2009, July 27). The Auto Channel. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2009/07/28/472014.html Honda's cumulative world-wide hybrid sales pass 300,000 in Janu Continue Reading...

Hybrid Car Term Paper

Bias Critique Thackery, John. "Hybrid autos REV up: but will SUV-addicted buyers opt for an environmentally friendly car that saves on gas but commands a premium price?" Electronic Business: Automotive Electronics. Oct 2002 v28 i10 pp. 64(5) Even Continue Reading...

Hybrid Automobile Will Be the Focus of Essay

hybrid automobile will be the focus of research into the motives consumers have for purchasing hybrids. Issues that will be reviewed include psychological and social factors, attitudes, personalities, family, socioeconomic factors and other issues. Continue Reading...

Car Pollution and Environment Essay

Car Pollution and Environment Global warming is a topic that has received a great deal of attention from around the world because this issue needs to be addressed before it is too late. The climatic changes that are taking place are an alarm for big Continue Reading...

Hybrid Electric Vehicles Essay

Electromagnetic Induction in Action: Hybrid Electric Vehicles The interest in electric cars is certainly not new, but rather dates back to the early 19th century when inventors were actively searching for ways to build cars that would run on battery Continue Reading...

Automobile Industry Term Paper

Automobile Industry "the foreign market has surpassed quality over the U.S. Automobile Industry" The automobile industry is one of the biggest manufacturing industries of the 20th century and puts a severe impact on the economy of the nation. In Ja Continue Reading...

Electric Cars a Good Solution to Oil Essay

electric cars a good solution to oil consumption in the United States? Electric cars McKibben and Electric cars Alternate Vehicle (AV) Are electric cars a good solution to oil consumption in the United States? Electric cars are the contemporary Continue Reading...

Auto Repair Car Repair is the Process Essay

Auto Repair Car repair is the process of diagnosing the car problem to identify the fault within the car. While the cars manufactured before 2000 requires special tools to be repaired, however, the computer technology has been increasingly used to d Continue Reading...

Comparison of 3 Cars for Company Use Essay

Abstract This reports conducts a comparison and contrast of three automobiles within a particular class. The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation to the organization regarding the kind of car they ought to be purchasing for its company Continue Reading...

History of Cars Annotated Bibliography

Automotive: Reading Log Adams, B.A., Mercedes-Benz Club of America Fifty Years of History 1956-2006. Nashville, Tenn: Turner Publishing Company, 2007; page 4-107 (103 pages read). If there is any car that has a rich history in as far as progressive l Continue Reading...

Hydrogen Fuel Car OPTION #2 Research Paper

People seeking to make a fundamental change in the way they transport themselves will likely need a great deal of information, some of which may provide greater clarity while others may provide confusion and resort in them seeking out another altern Continue Reading...

Electric Cars Affect Environment Essay

How Do Gas-Powered Cars Affect the Environment?According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gas-powered cars are one of the most significant sources of emissions that contribute to global warming in the United States. In the United States Continue Reading...

Hybrid SUV Buying the Right Term Paper

They are looking for frugality and compromise, all of which they can find in various ways through the SUVs that have been considered here. Recommendation Many issues have to be considered when buying a new SUV. Price is important, but it is not th Continue Reading...

Prius Hybrid Vehicles Have Grown Term Paper

Price The price of a 2005 Toyota Prius ranges from $19,995 to $20,875. (Aukofer 2001) This price is considerably higher than the price of most compact vehicles. (Aukofer 2001) However, because of the fuel efficiency of the car, and the benefit t Continue Reading...